
Monday, December 13, 2021

Get Your Kids off the Couch: Tips for Adding More Movement to Your Day

Our world today revolves around the latest technology in the form of smartphones, tablets, and video game systems.  Big name companies compete to bring us the latest and greatest technology and it not only has an affect on adults, but children as well.

Children today are growing up in a completely different world than it was 20 years ago.   There are first graders with cell phones, teens who would rather text than talk, and video games with such lifelike graphics it’s scary. The lure of these video games is especially strong in children and teens and brings with it the problem of little or no outside activity in this age group.  As parents, it’s important to know how to get your children involved in something other than staring at a TV screen or holding a game controller all day long. 

Create a routine – A daily routine can help your child get rid of bad habits and instill some discipline in the whole family.  Talk to your child about getting on a schedule and let them be involved in creating a routine that works for all of you.  Limit the amount of time your child is in front of the television, on the Internet, or on his/her cell phone and stick to it. Make a trip to the park or a walk outside part of your daily routine.  If it’s too cold outside, play a game of tag or hide and seek just to get yourself and your child moving.  Small daily steps can help to break some bad habits and lead you into a new way of life.

Be the example – Parents can set a great example for their children if they are active in their daily routine.  If your child sees you exercising or spending more time outside than in front of the television they will most likely follow your example as they grow older.  It may take a little bit of nudging to get them to put the cell phone down but it will happen.  Likewise, if you are a couch potato, or have your nose stuck in the computer all day they will be more apt to follow in your footsteps.  Be the person that you would want your child to be.  If you keep that in mind, it won’t be hard to set good habits in motion for the whole family.

Find activities your child will enjoy – This can be anything from organized sports at school to a daily trip to the local gym.  Talk to your child about getting involved in school activities that will keep them moving.  If he/she isn’t much of a sports fanatic there are a ton of other ways to keep them active.  Swimming, or simply blasting some music and dancing around the living room are great ways to keep in shape and have fun while doing it. 

It may take some time to establish a routine that works for you and your family but don’t give up.  Make small changes on a daily basis to get your child used to any form of daily activity.  Pretty soon, a trip to the park or playing ball outside will be the new normal instead of coming home to play video games or surf the Internet.  Making small daily changes not only forms better habits in your child, but in your whole family.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

5 Outdoor Activities that Get the Whole Family Moving

Life is full of daily activities that keep you running from one point to the next.  However, carving out time for some of the activities that get the blood pumping and the heart racing is a little bit harder to do.  Finding time to be active as a family is important, not only for your health but for your relationships as well.  Here are a few outside activities you can do to keep your family active.

Picnic at the park – Pack a healthy lunch and hit up one of the local parks for the afternoon.  There is no better way to get your family up and moving.  This is a great way to bond and have a conversation that doesn’t consist of text messages and emails.   Once you finish eating, the rest of the time can consist of hitting the ball around, playing at the playground, or simply chasing your kids around for a game of tag.  Whatever activity you choose, the whole family gets some exercise and some time to connect with each other.

Take a bike ride – This is such a great way to experience the outdoors with the whole family.  Safe biking paths can be found all over to make it easier and the fresh air will do everyone a world of good.  Many of the biking paths will go right past a park or playground so you will be able to get some extra playtime in.  Biking is a great way to boost your energy levels and give your legs a workout.

Roller skating – Break out the roller skates or rollerblades and hit the pavement for a breath of fresh air and some exercise that will get all the muscle groups working.  Roller-skating is especially good for your heart and is considered one of the best cardio workouts you can do.  Find a bike path or just skate around the neighborhood and enjoy the scenery. The kids will love it and it’s a great way to be silly and get some laughs out of everyone.

Gardening – This is a fantastic way to get outdoors and get the whole family involved and working together. The entire process – from deciding what you will plant, to picking the seeds, to digging up some dirt – will engage everyone and get them excited about the possibilities.  Not only is it terrific exercise, but it’s also a great way to teach children about patience and attention to detail.  It will be especially fun to keep track of the progress and see the end result.

Walking – Taking a walk around the neighborhood is a super effective cardio workout and a way to catch up and chat with members of your family.  Choose a different path each time in order to give everyone some variety.  Step it up a level and wear ankle or wrist weights while you walk to give yourself an added boost.  Walking is a leisurely activity that can also push your limits if you choose to do so.  The family time together during your walk is just an added benefit to getting in shape.

It’s often said that people give up on their fitness goals because they get bored or burnt out on the activities that they are doing.  It’s so important to incorporate a variety of ways to workout so you keep going, and have fun at the same time. Each member of the family should have a say in what activities are chosen to keep it fair.  Given the large amount of outdoor activities a family has to choose from, it will be a surefire way for everyone to stay active.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Get Your Game on: Sports The Whole Family Will Enjoy

Fitness does not have to involve going to a gym and working out with weights or running on a treadmill. and you don't have to give up family time to get in shape. There are a variety of activities outside of the gym that are fun, fitness- and family-oriented. 

Sporting activities are one example of a way the family can spend time together and get a great workout as well. You don’t have to be a professional or even bring your “A” game, just as long as you’re willing to get involved and have fun.  Let’s look at a few sports that will keep your family active and happy.

Volleyball – This sport can be fun whether you set up a net in the backyard or get a game going on the beach.  Volleyball is a wonderful sport for your overall health because it strengthens muscles in your arms and legs, allows for better hand-eye coordination, and increases your energy level.  You burn a ton of calories and it's a great way to tone and tighten those problems areas you may have.  The whole family will get a great overall workout and walk away feeling strong and energized.

Golf – There are numerous benefits to playing a round of golf, especially if you decide to forego using a caddy and a golf cart.  Generally 18 holes of golf would be around 5 miles if you walk the whole distance.  This is a way to get a great cardiovascular workout, all while taking in the beautiful scenery on the golf course.  Unless you and your children are avid golfers, it may be easier to choose a round of miniature golf instead, but you still get the benefit of walking the course, swinging the club, and consistently moving while you play.

Tennis – Playing a game of tennis can be as moderate or intense as you choose.  Your reflexes, speed, and agility will be put to the test and you will burn a huge amount of calories during this aerobic workout.  Hitting the ball back and forth to your children is a great way to work your arm and leg muscles.  This is especially true if your children don’t hit the ball directly back to you and you find yourself jogging to chase it around the court.  Tennis is a great overall workout and is a perfect way for a family to get their game on and show their skills. 

Ice Skating - Ice skating does have a bit of a learning curve, but it's still a great family winter sport. It works nearly every muscle group in the body and it builds up the leg and abdominal muscles. Plus it great for your cardiovascular health. There are even double-bladed skates to help you keep your balance while learning. 

Cross-Country Skiing - Now for those of you who have seen video of skiers hurtling down a mountain and thought "no way", let me introduce you to cross-country skiing. It's much easier to learn than downhill skiing. And it's also cheaper. Known to exercise physiology experts as "the best cardiovascular exercise known," cross-country skiing uses almost every muscle group, and is low impact which makes it great for anyone with joint problems such as arthritis. Cross-country skiing is a great bonding experience that can strengthen relationships with family and friends.

Sledding - Okay, maybe this isn't exactly a "sport." But some of my fondest childhood memories are of sledding down the neighborhood hill with my sisters and friends. And it is so easy. Just grab a sled and head to the nearest hill. Granted, you may not burn a lot of calories riding downhill. But wait until you walk back up that hill dragging or carrying your sled. Fantastic aerobic workout!

Playing sports as a family is a great way to build character and teach your kids to work as a team.  Working together can strengthen relationships and form a bond that can’t be broken. Playing sports with your children is also a way to build their confidence, self-esteem, and sportsmanship. The values and skills learned during this time is something that won’t be easily forgotten. Playing sports as a family can instill positive habits that will have a lasting effect on your relationships both now and throughout life.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Cut Back on Pain Pills

One of the side effects of growing older, at least for me, has been more frequent joint pain. I have arthritis in my hands and knees and some days it just HURTS! No problem, you might think. Just pop an ibuprofen and go about your day.

Well before you pop one more ibuprofen or naproxen...or worse yet...a prescription pain-killer, you might want to read all the warnings. Do some research. You just might rethink that move.

Pain medications do serve a purpose. There are times when you simply must have help to manage your pain. But in a society where we are told daily by many members of the medical community and big pharma that there are pills to cure everything, many of us have come to rely on them much too readily.

Regular use of painkillers such as ibuprofen and naproxen, even the OTC brands, may raise your risk of heart attack and stroke. They can also cause bleeding in your stomach, headaches, restless sleep, fluid retention, and a whole list of other problems. Prescription drugs can do the same and more. Unless you've been living off-planet in recent years, you are well aware of the opioid problem.

Fortunately there are some alternative ways to deal with pain without medication. Here are some tips:

1. Reduce your stress. Stress can contribute to pain. Try relaxation and stress management techniques to help.

2. Meditation. Learn how to read your body's signals and become more in tune with your physical self. This can help ease tension and promote relaxation. Meditation can even help reduce your sensitivity to pain.

3. Exercise regularly. One of the first things my doctor told me to do to ease the pain in my knee was WALK! When you exercise, you produce endorphins which help minimize pain. "Runner's high" is a real thing...a "feel good" sensation caused by the production of endorphins.

4. Get a massage. I now get a regular manicure just so I can get the hand massage that goes with it!

5. SLEEP! Sleep is important to healing and managing stress. Try for 7-8 hours of restful sleep every night.

6. Eat healthy food. There are foods that can cause inflammation, which aggravates pain. And there are foods that can help reduce it. Plus your body works more effectively when it's running on healthy fuel.

7. Try a chiropractor. I admit I used to think chiropractors were all charlatans. But then I was sent to one to help with my hip pain. I'm a convert. Not sure how they do the voodoo they do, but it works!

8. Keep busy. Having things to focus on will help you occupy your mind and keep it from focusing on how much you hurt.

It's important not to ignore pain. It is often a warning signal that something isn't right. Don't be afraid to tell your doctor when you are experiencing pain. Just don't get complacent about taking a pill every time you feel a twinge. Try some of the above techniques. Save the pills for when you TRULY need them.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Easy Changes to Incorporate More Exercise Into Your Life

Having a family, a career, and a hectic schedule leaves little time for a fitness routine. However the benefits to being physically fit are numerous and should be a priority in any family.

Choosing to make fitness a permanent part of your life takes a good amount of willpower, determination, and hard work from everyone. There are many ways you can incorporate fitness to fit your busy schedule.  It may take some planning and you might have to be creative at times. Just remember to stay active.  Making small, positive changes to your daily routine can help rid your family of bad habits and have you on your way to a physically fit life.

Fitness for Busy Families: Top Tips for Sticking To Your Plan

The busy life of a typical family today leaves little room for a scheduled fitness routine.  It’s easy to make resolutions every year to hit the gym, workout every day, and live a healthier lifestyle.  However, keeping with it and actually succeeding is a different story for most people.  In order to retain any form of discipline in your daily life you have to incorporate small changes in your routine.

Don’t go overboard – No matter what fitness goals you have, it’s important to remember to start small.  If you aren’t used to exercising make sure you work up to that super intense, hour-long workout. Don’t just jump in. (By the way...that really isn't necessary. A 30 minute walk will do just fine.) 

Find something you are comfortable doing and begin there. Take that walk for 20-30 minutes, do a round of crunches, jumping jacks or push-ups, or even just run in place for a few minutes. You don’t have to start with a workout that pushes all your limits. Just start small and build up over time. This will make it easier to stick with it.

Partner up – Choose a family member or friend who will hold you accountable to stick to your fitness plan. Carve out a specific time to meet up and workout together and keep track of how far you’ve come. It’s much harder to give up when you have someone pushing you in the right direction.  Likewise, you will be helping move someone else in the right direction as well. 

Choose your likes – It will be impossible to stick with a fitness plan if you are consistently doing things you don’t like. You will lose interest in no time and go back to your old habits. Choose a workout according to the things you enjoy. Walking, running, strength training, and/or yoga are just a few areas that may spark your interest.  It will be much easier to push your limits and will keep you headed toward your fitness goals.

Take a break – It’s important to throw a lazy day or two into your fitness routine. You can’t expect to workout seven days a week without hitting burnout in a short amount of time. Take a day to just relax and regroup. Figure out your workout plan for the next week and schedule time each day to make sure you get it done. You will jump back into your workout re-energized and ready to start a new week. 

Any fitness plan needs a little bit of organization and planning in order to stick with it. As soon as you begin, the excuses will creep in, you will get busy, and your fitness goals will go right out the door.  Planning in advance, and making sure to follow some of these tips will help to avoid these excuses and set you on a path to hit and exceed the goals you’ve set. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

How Clean Are Your Cleaning Products?

We all know keeping our homes clean and sanitary is an important part of good health. I know as a wife., mother, and grandmother, I want my family to live in a clean and safe environment. Cleaning product companies know how important that is to us also. And they are happy to provide us with an arsenal of sprays and liquids and wipes to help us out. Kitchen cleaners, bathroom cleaners, floor cleaners, fabric deodorizers, air fresheners...and specialty cleaners for each of those areas. Toilet cleaner and shower for the bathroom. Oven cleaner for the kitchen. Cleaner for wood floors. A different cleaner for tiles. Window cleaner. SOOO MANY CLEANERS!!! And all of them guaranteed to get rid of dirt and germs...AND leave your home smelling fresh and clean.

And for the most part, they live up to that promise. Most homes are pretty clean. But what the makers of these products don't tell you is the impact they can be having on your health.

I first discovered the problem when my children were small. When cleaning the house would send them into an full-on asthma attack, you know something isn't right. And so I started researching the ingredients in the cleaners I was using. Imagine my surprise when I found that many of them contained toxic chemicals. Yes, some of these could cause or worsen my daughter's asthma. Others could cause everything from breast cancer to birth defects. And yet they were in the products I was encouraged to use...IN MY HOME! EVERY DAY!

Unfortunately, you can't just look at the label and avoid products with harmful chemicals. Many cleaning labels will list ingredients that make little sense to us. Companies may list anionic surfactant or they may say dish protectant. What the heck is that? I want to know exactly what's in the products I'm spraying all over my home. But it seems companies are better at listing what isn't in their product. No phosphorous, no CFCs, and no bleach are popular things to tout on a label. But if you want to know the specifics, you often have to go through customer service to get answers.

How do you clean your home and keep your family safe from harmful, toxic chemicals? Here are some tips.

1. Make your own safer cleaning products. With just a little baking soda, white vinegar, lemon oil, and water, you can get a lot of clean. There are recipes for green, safe cleaning products all over the internet. Just Google them and whip up a batch.

2. Read the labels. I know I said most companies don't fully disclose their ingredients. But if the label has words like "poison", "toxic", "caution", "warning" or "danger", it does not go in my shopping cart. And don't be fooled by vague terms. Just because it says "natural" or "eco-friendly" on the label doesn't mean it's true. Those terms, and many others, are totally unregulated. there are no standards a company has to meet to say it's cleaning products are "natural."

3. Buy fragrance-free products. Synthetic fragrances can trigger asthma and may contain hormone-disrupting chemicals.

4. Stop using "disinfectants". If your family is healthy, you don't need to regularly disinfect your house. Improper use of disinfectants can contribute to "resistant" bacteria (meaning the disinfectant won't work anymore). Plus there are studies suggesting our fascination with keeping our environments as sterile as possible may be leading to the rise in asthma, autism, and other conditions. We aren't being exposed to common everyday germs and so we do not develop an immune system that can handle them.

There are definitely times when you will want to disinfect while cleaning. But there is no need to do it every time you clean.

5. Wash your hands with plain soap and water. Antibacterial soap provides no additional benefit over plain soap.

6. Use green cleaning products. If you don't want to take the time to make your own, there are more and more companies producing safer cleaning products. Check out this article for a list of the best natural cleaning products.

Or try the one I use. Versatile enough for every room of your home, this all-purpose formula uses natural baking soda and plant-derived surfactants to remove grease, dirt and grime, from upholstery as well as hard surfaces. You can get it here.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

8 Health Tips To Take Back To The Office

Here we go again! When things shut down last year, our lives got turned upside down. One day ran into the next and it seemed like the year just went on forever. We didn't have the familiar routines that are so much a part of our daily lives. Get up. Make the coffee. Feed the kids. Get them to school. Head to the office. Now our office was often in a corner of the kitchen, in a spare bedroom, or anyplace we could find some quiet...and a good internet get some work done.

But then the world started opening back up again. After a year of isolation and lockdowns, we were starting to feel normal. We started returning to our offices, leaving those home "offices" behind. Life was going to be good again.

Until the Delta variant arrived. Now all of a sudden we're hearing talk of surges and mask mandates all over again. But this time, something is absent. There is no talk of lockdowns or quarantines. People are still being encouraged to return to work.

This isn't a post on the right or wrong of how we are handling the pandemic. I'm not a political writer and so will not get into the political fisticuffs I'm seeing everywhere. I'm only interested in one thing...helping you stay as healthy as possible. 

It's hard enough to stay healthy when you sit behind a desk all day. Add a deadly pandemic to the mix and it can be scary. So now is the time to make sure you are diligent in following good health habits. The following tips will help you return to the office a smoothly and intelligently as possible.

1. Exercise. Physical activity boosts your immune system, relieves stress, and improves your mood. Check out some work-out videos on Amazon. Take a walk around your neighborhood. When you get to work, park as far away from the entrance as you can. Skip the elevator and use the stairs. Get a fitness tracker and start counting your steps. You'll be surprised how quickly they add up!

2. Eat whole, nutritious food. Instead of hitting the local drive-thru pack a healthy salad with some lean protein for lunch. And even though returning to work often means snacks in the breakroom, don't indulge in that chocolate frosted donut. Pack some nuts or veggies with hummus or a hard-boiled egg. One of my favorite snacks is slice of bell pepper with guacamole. 

3. Get enough sleep. The recommendation for most adults is 7-8 hours a night.

4. Drink plenty of water. It's important to stay hydrated. 

5. Manage any stress and anxiety. If returning to the office causes you stress or makes you anxious, try talking with management to see what can be done to make you more comfortable. If you are still stressed-out, try some relaxation techniques such as exercise or meditation, or talking about your feelings with a trusted friend or therapist.

6. Practice physical distance. But that doesn't mean you have to be socially distant. We all found ways to connect during quarantine. Keep those lines of communication open and speak to friends and family often.

7. Don't ease up on precautions. Wash your hands. Practice physical distancing. Wear a mask in crowded, indoor settings. Stay home if you feel sick.

8. Just take it one day at a time. This is a new experience for all of us. Most companies will have procedures and protocols in place to help employees return to work safely. There will likely be changes to the way things were before. Be flexible. If you are have issues or concerns, address them with your manager promptly.

This is a challenging time for all of us. But if we all do our part, try to maintain our own health, and practice simple precautions to help others stay healthy as well, we can keep our workplaces safe.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Be Competitive to Lose Weight and Get Fit

Competition is a motivational tool that’s been used for centuries. People compete in games, among their peers and with themselves. The need to compete isn’t something new.

The desire to join some type of competition stems from the natural desire to win or achieve something. It also comes from the need to push beyond previous limits to improve life or physical performance.

And the competitive spirit urges people to try harder. That’s why a weight loss tool that’s built around a competitive foundation is one that’s popular and in high demand. Take the "Run The Year" challenge I am currently in which I am currently participating. It's a challenging, fun, and competitive way to get rid of unwanted pounds...even though it's not an actual competition.

It can be turned into a specific game of weight loss that taps into that in-born desire to win. Even if you’re someone who’s struggled to lose weight in the past because your desire or motivation dwindled, this could help you.

It works by having you set a goal of running (or walking) 2021 miles this year. There is a medal and a T-shirt. Plus you get a "reward" for every 100 miles completed - a digital "bib" with your photo and mileage that you can post on social media to celebrate your achievement. It’s this competition to hit that next goal that can help drive your determination and keep you from giving up.

You can take part in more than one challenge at once. I am also currently participating in the Streaker Challenge to engage in some form of physical exercise every day in July. It’s easy to participate and convenient, too, since you work it around your schedule and log your miles in the online tracker. And there are FB Groups for participants to encourage, support, and giv advice when needed. You won’t be dealing with tany negative kind of talk. These groups are super-supportive and encouraging.

While the challenge does not focus specifically on losing weight, it does encourage you to be more active and get in shape in a friendly, "compete with yourself" kind of way.

It works because everyone in the groups motivate each other when we see someone needs a little extra encouragement. As you engage in the challenge, log your miles and strive for th next milestone. .

With the online tracker, you’ll be able to keep an eye on how well you're doing so that motivates you to step up your game when you see that you're behind in meeting your next milestone.

You’ll find yourself pushing beyond just to be able to post that next achievement on your social media page.

The power of competition works to help you lose weight, get in shape and best of all, it’s fun to take part in. Even if you're just competing with yourself

But the Run The Year Challenge isn’t the only tool that you can use to engage in competitive weight loss. There are fitness trackers that have the capability to challenge you against other users. There are other weight loss and fitness competitions. You simply do an online search and I guarantee you will find something that motivates you!

Saturday, July 10, 2021

5 Concerns About CBD

CBD. It's the hot new trend in health and wellness. A thriving industry has grown up around the sale of all sorts of CBD infused products. CBD has been reported to help decrease pain and anxiety. It may help you sleep. It has been proven to help in the treatment of epilepsy. And it does all this without making you "high." CBD products cannot contain more than 0.3% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound in marijuana responsible for making you “high.”

For now, it seems like CBD is a safe and legal addition to your health and wellness program. There are, however, still concerns associated with the chemical and products derived from it. CBD only became legal in the United States in 2018 when hemp became legal again, so we’ve not had much time to research its effects fully. For five concerns about CBD, read on.

Side Effects

CBD’s side effects tend to come only at high doses. Make sure to start with a low dose and work your way up. If you tend to experience one or more of these side effects at any dosage level, CBD may not be for you. CBD’s side effects include appetite changes, fatigue, weight loss, dizziness, and diarrhea. You may also experience a funny “uplifted” feeling, but don’t worry. You’re not high, you’ve just had too much CBD.

The Unknown

According to, there are some things about CBD we just don’t know. We have only been taking and researching CBD for a couple years and solid scientific research takes much longer than that.

Some unknown questions, according to, are “What happens if you take CBD daily for sustained periods of time? What level of intake triggers the known risks associated with CBD? How do different methods of consumption affect intake (e.g., oral consumption, topical, smoking or vaping)?

What is the effect of CBD on the developing brain (such as on children who take CBD)?” These are valid questions you should be aware have no solid answer. Experiment at your own risk, AND always use caution. It is also a great idea to consult a medical professional before using CBD to treat a mental or physical illness.

Another cause for concern is the unreliability of the purity and dosage of CBD in products. A recent study of 84 CBD products bought online showed that more than a quarter of the products contained less CBD than labeled. In addition, THC was found in 18 products.

Concerns for Pregnant Mothers Taking CBD

We do not know how CBD effects a developing child or fetus. Pregnant mothers should use caution before putting anything into their body because it will be shared with their developing child. It’s not that CBD is assured to hurt a growing fetus, it’s that we just don’t know. We don’t have enough research.

How Does CBD React With Other Prescription Drugs?

If you are on prescription drugs or even over-the-counter drugs, you need to stay in touch with your doctor before adding or taking away any chemicals. CBD’s reactions with other drugs is another unknown because we have not had enough time to study it. There are not reported cases reporting of detrimental effects from combining CBD with other drugs, but there is not solid science to say it doesn’t happen, either.

Other Potential Side-Effects

WebMD also reports that CBD has caused male reproductive toxicity in some animals (damage to fertility in males or male offspring of women who have been exposed), but we don’t know if it will do the same to humans. CBD can also cause liver injury, drowsiness and sedation when used in combination with alcohol or other downers, gastrointestinal distress (diarrhea and/or decreased appetite), and changes in mood (usually irritability and agitation).

As with all things, moderation and keeping your doctor informed are a great help. Don’t take high CBD doses unless you know it will be alright. Use caution because the hard science on a lot of questions involving CBD is out. That all being said, though, most people report CBD to be a mild relaxer, free of negative side effects. The ultimate judge is you.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Aqua Aerobics Can Help Dieters Lose Weight with Less Pain

One of the worst parts about getting into a workout routine is having to deal with the soreness you suffer from afterwards. If you were lifting weights one day, the next day you’ll feel a deep soreness all over the areas you were working out.

At some point, it hurts to even lift your arms or carry things. This goes double for leg workouts like squats and running, which can leave you with some pain in every step you take.

No wonder it's hard to get an exercise program going.

But don't despair! There may be a solution!

Some people have found a program that lets you get fit without nearly as much soreness: aqua aerobics.

The concepts surrounding aqua aerobics are pretty simple: when you’re working out submerged in water, you’re not acting against gravity nearly as much.

The water surrounding your body is much harder to move than the air around you normally would be, so it helps alleviate some of the pressure from your joints and muscles.

That same resistance is also what helps you still get a toned body. Water molecules are much more densely packed than air molecules are, so it takes more effort for you to move through them.

This is what causes your arms and legs to move slower through the water than they do in the air. When you’re doing cardiovascular exercises underwater, your muscles aren’t just fighting to move themselves, but also against the resistance of the water all around you.

Aquatic exercises can help you burn a lot more calories in a shorter period of time than regular workouts can. In a long run on land, you’ll likely only burn about 100-200 calories, which can be cancelled out completely by a soda or a snack.

Aquatic exercises, on the other hand, can burn upwards of 500 calories in a session, which accounts for a little more than an entire meal’s worth of calories. Calorie balance is extremely important in dieting, so burning off what you eat is important.

For people who already suffer from existing joint pains and problems, aqua aerobics can be a major game changer. While it can be difficult for people with bad shoulders or knees to get into the gym or go on a run, being underwater helps take the stress off of your joints and makes the energy come from your muscles instead.

This means that there’s a reliable option for those that would rather give up due to the intense pain they get from traditional workouts.

Why not give it a try? Many pools and fitness centers offer aqua aerobics programs. If exercise is causing you pain, this just might be the answer.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Are Fine

I admit it. I used to think that fresh fruits and vegetables were nutritionally superior to anything frozen. I NEVER bought frozen fruits or vegetables unless I absolutely had no choice.

But when I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong. And I was wrong. Frozen fruits and vegetables are fine. In fact they are more than fine.

Frozen produce is picked at the peak of ripeness and frozen. Studies show they retain the same vitamin and mineral content as fresh. In fact, they are probably nutritionally superior to the pint of strawberries getting moldy in the back of your refrigerator or the bag of lettuce you've had for a week.

By the time it leaves the farm and finally gets to the supermarket shelves produce is exposed to air, light, and handling, all of which can damage and degrade its nutritional content. After that, unless you are shopping for fresh produce every other day or so, it sits in your refrigerator or on your counter for several more days until it is finally eaten...if it hasn't spoiled before you get to it. To be honest, that's one of the big reasons I took a second look at frozen produce. I got tired of throwing away food.

But what about canned vegetables. Aren't they okay? Let me ask...have you looked at all the salt and preservatives in canned vegetables? The added sugar or other sweeteners in canned fruit? My advice is go for fresh if it's in season and therefore less expensive AND you will use it quickly. Otherwise, opt for frozen. No added nasty stuff!

Once I started using frozen produce, I actually discovered my fruit and veggie intake actually increased. It is so much easier to toss some frozen mango chunks and pineapple tidbits in the blender for a smoothie than it is to actually have to peel and prep them. Adding vegetables to soups and stir-fries is just a easy. I just grab the bag and pour! No more prepping, lots less clean -up, and more time for me. If you're trying to add more plant-based options to your diet, including frozen fruits and vegetables is a no-brainer!

In addition to smoothies and stir-fries, you can use frozen fruits and veggies in a wide variety of other dishes. I thaw berries in the microwave and use them to top french toast and oatmeal. I add vegetables to rice while it's cooking or sauté them in a little olive oil and toss them with quinoa, pasta, or couscous. And sometimes when I get down to the last little bits of each vegetable, I throw them all in a pot with some vegetable broth and make vegetable soup.

As with all things, some fruits and vegetables do better frozen than others. Here are my favorites:

  1. Berries: Blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries
  2. Carrots: Toss into soups and stir-fries
  3. Mango: So much easier than peeling and slicing fresh mango
  4. Peas: Use in soups, stir-fries, rice dishes, or make your own green pea soup
  5. Butternut squash: When is the last time you bought a fresh one? Get the frozen squash and add this delicious and nutritious food to your diet
  6. Corn: It's the only way to make my mother-in-laws Thanksgiving Fried Corn!
  7. Edamame: I'm the only one in my house that eats it so frozen is the only way to keep it from spoiling until I finish it all.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

2021 Ushers in the Most Obese Population Ever

Obesity is a medical condition that happens when someone has an excessive amount of body fat. Having too much body fat can increase the risk of getting additional health problems, and it can cause health problems of its own.

Every year, more and more people are being classified as obese. In previous years, it’s dipped up and down, but in 2021, the obese population will include a higher percentage of people than it ever has before. One out of every three U.S. adults is obese. (Harvard, 2020), with the rate being higher for women than men.

This is due a variety of factors, from cheaper unhealthy foods to economic growth. One huge factor in 2020 was COVID-19, which resulted in lockdowns around the world. People weren't able to be as active as they were pre-COVID. Stress caused unhealthy eating habits and increased use of alcohol. Store closures left more people reliant on processed, less healthy foods. Many people gained what came to be known as the "COVID 15".

Rates of childhood obesity are also increasing with the latest data showing that 19.3 percent of U.S. young people, ages 2 to 19, are obese. This puts them at higher risk for being obese with its related health risks as an adult. Furthermore, children are exhibiting earlier onset of what used to be considered adult conditions, including hypertension and high cholesterol..

Of course, this has caused a surge of growth in the weight-loss industry. There are all kinds of different diets, workout plans, supplements and online resources. New diets, new books, and new programs are constantly appearing. And they all promise what we all want...a quick fix to our problem. All we have to do is eat (or not eat) a certain type of food or group of foods. Low-carb, no-carb, high-protein, low-fat...they may be marketed under different names, but they are basically all the same. And they all assure their users that they can lose weight, quickly, with very little effort. And in our desperation to lose the weight, we climb aboard whatever the latest fad is. Some of us even see some success in the beginning. But none of these diets are sustainable for long periods of time. Some of them are actually unhealthy. And once you come off them, the weight usually comes right back...with a few extra pounds just for good measure!

I should know...I have tried them all...

Yes, it is true that it is hard to lose excess body fat. The risk of regaining lost weight is high. But there is one very successful way to lose the weight and keep it off.

It's not cool and trendy. It's not some special food or magic pill or ancient secret someone is suddenly willing to share (for a fee, of course). It's actual quite simple and totally free of charge.

Eat less. Move more. And yes...calories count.

After trying diet after diet after diet, this is what I found that works for me and is backed up by research.

A balanced healthy diet that includes all the nutrients. Yes, that means I eat carbs and fat and I'm still losing weight! I just get my carbs from whole grains and beans not donuts. My fat comes from things like avocados and olive oil, not chips and dip.

Exercise. You have to burn more calories than you take in. This doesn't mean you have to do CrossFit five days a week. A simple 30-minute walk every day is enough to get you back on the road to being fit.

Patience. You didn't gain this weight overnight. You aren't going to lose it overnight either. Which is why you need a lifestyle change you can live with forever instead of a quick-fix "diet."

I know it's hard. You see all kinds of videos and Instagram posts of these super in-shape people and get discouraged. You probably also see lots of articles telling you which of the multitude of diets is the best, and all of that gets really confusing.

What you need to know is that the best workout plan and the best diet varies from person to person. The diet that works for that Instagram model who’s already in shape is not the same diet that you should immediately go for.

You need to find something that’s better and healthier than your current diet, but also something reasonable. I started out trying to go completely Vegan. But I really missed my seafood. I love seafood! And my husband is a meat and potatoes kind of guy. Eating my plate of veggies while watching him wolf down his steak was hard! (Not to mention cooking two separate meals every night...) Fortunately, seafood is a healthy source of protein. So I modified my diet to include plenty of fish. So when he's enjoying his hamburger, I'm having a tuna burger. Much easier to live with!

When people go to extreme lengths to try to get in shape, it’s really difficult for them to keep it up long-term.

This is the main crux of the matter. The ultimate failure that will bring your weight loss program down isn’t having an easy diet or having light workouts, it’s not being able to commit to your program.

No matter what kind of program you do, it’s useless for weight loss unless you can stick with it for an extended period of time. Don’t push yourself to go for the most extreme diet and the most intense workout program, especially if you’re just starting off. When the HIIT workout I started with caused my injured knee to hurt, I could have quit. I wanted to quit! Instead I discovered that walking was just as effective for me...and a lot less stressful on my joints.

You don’t have to work that hard to start losing weight. If you push yourself beyond your limits, you’re just going to stop when you don’t see the quick results you want to see. Keep your weight loss program within reason, and you’ll be a lot more successful.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Women's Healthy Weight

Can we please stop worrying about those numbers on the scale? I mean, yes, they do tell us something. If we're tipping the scale at 300 pounds, that is obviously not healthy. But I'm talking to you ladies, who, like I used to, obsess over an extra pound or two gain.

First, know that your weight does fluctuate from day to day. It will easily vary by as much as three pounds over the course of a few days. 

Second, there's more to being healthy than hitting your "ideal" weight. Yes, I am still several pounds overweight. But because I have taken charge of my own "wellness" and living a cleaner, healthier lifestyle, I am still in good physical condition for my age. I have seen ladies half my size and half my age who are always sick with something. They equate health with slenderness and so they haven't yet realized that they may be "skinny" but their lifestyle is contributing to a host of medical problems.

Instead of focusing on that scale, you should focus on your over body mass index (BMI). This takes into account all those other factors like height, and muscle, and yes, fat composition. There are several tools online to help you calculate your BMI. But one of the easiest and most popular is a simple mathematical formula.

Weight/Height (in inches, squared) x 703

For example: 110 lbs / 65 in (squared) x 703

110 lbs / 4225 in x 703 = 18.3 

Once you know your BMI, you can get determine where you are on the spectrum:

  • Underweight: anything under 18.5
  • Healthy: anything between 18.5 and 24.9
  • Overweight: anything between 25.0 and 29.9
  • Obese: anything above 30.0
So our young lady in the example is actually underweight.

This doesn't give you the whole picture though. There are other factors to consider. Frame size. Muscle composition. Age.

Athletes sometimes may weigh more due to being more muscular. As we age, older adults tend to store more fat than when we were younger.

Although the BMI is more accurate than some arbitrary number on a scale, the truth is that we should focus more on staying within a healthy range. And now that you know how to calculate that, AND you know where that range is, you have one more tool to add to your wellness arsenal.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Let's Rid the World of Fad Diets

Let's be clear on some things. There are no foods or combination of foods that miraculously burn fat. There are no products that will magically melt away fat while you sleep.  But there are lots of fad diets that claim to do just that.

"Eat whatever you want and still lose weight. Melt away pounds and inches with no exercise and without dieting." You've seen the claims. Heck, you might have even fallen for a couple of them. I know I did. I understand. Who wants to give up their favorite foods and be forced to a lifetime of eating like a rabbit? And exercise? Who has time for that? So I totally get it. For a "small" amount of money, they promise to show you how eating the "right" foods or taking the "right" supplements can solve your weight loss problems. And then you can get on with your life...your new slimmer, trimmer life. 

There's just one problem with that. It doesn't work.

While there are diets that will help you lose weight quickly, most of that weight is water. And severely restricting calories means you may not be getting all the nutrients your body needs. If it can't get it from your food, it will get what it can elsewhere. This is why many on very low calorie diets experience muscle- and even bone-loss. Unless you are under an experienced doctor's supervision, very low calorie diets are dangerous. 

There are several variations of this. Have you ever tried the grapefruit diet? Or the cabbage soup diet? Or the low-carb diet? I have. Let me tell you how boring it is to eat the same food every day. Or how deprived you feel when you can't have a piece of your granddaughter's birthday cake because, you know...CARBS! Any diet that promotes eating "all you want" of a specific food (just how much cabbage soup can you eat in one day? EWWW) or restricts entire food groups is not only boring, it's not healthy. Diets like these tend to be lacking in critical nutrients. And I don't care if you are taking a multivitamin everyday. You are still not going to get everything your body needs.

So okay...but what about combinations of foods. Doesn't that work? Aren't there foods that turn your body into a fat-burning machine if eaten together? No. There is simply no credible evidence for this claim. Or its opposite...eating certain foods in the "wrong" combination will produce toxins in your digestive system. What it does do is once again cause you to focus on eating or eliminating certain foods. See the above paragraph for why that is not a good idea. 

Not all diets are fad diets and unhealthy. Diets like the Mediterranean Diet are excellent ways to lose weight and improve your health. How do you tell the difference? Look for the warning signs:

  • Severe calorie restriction
  • Focus on eating quantities of a specific food or combinations of food
  • Eliminating entire food groups from your diet
  • Very rigid menus
If the diet you are considering has any of these, walk away. And if you still aren't sure, ask yourself this question: "Can I eat like this for the rest of my life?" Because if you can't, all your efforts might be useless. One problem with all of these diets is that once you stop them, you usually gain all the weight a few extra pounds just in case you decide to do something this crazy again.

How CAN you lose weight healthfully and for good? Eat a well-balanced diet of nutrient-dense, healthy food. Allow yourself the occasional treat when you want it (prevents binging!). Drink lots of pure, clean water. Try intermittent fasting. Exercise. It doesn't have to be strenuous. A brisk walk everyday is enough. Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Reduce stress. 

Pretty simple, right? So let's rid the world of these crazy fad diets once and for all and focus on a healthy lifestyle. Once you do that, the weight will take care of itself.  

If you want to see how I eat now, check out the book The Blue Zones Solution. It's my healthy lifestyle bible! 

Monday, March 29, 2021

What Are Essential Oils and Do They Really Work?

Meet Cherlynn Thomas, the Smart About Health expert on all things Essential Oils. If you are wondering what they are and if they work, tune in to our talk...Essential Oils 101!

When you're done listening, connect with her here if you want more information:

Herbal Essentials Community FB Group

Herbal Essentials FB Page



Healthy Start Kit link

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Colds and Flu: What are the Differences and How Can You Stay Safe?

We are smack dab in the midst of cold and flu season. And this year it is compounded by Covid-19.

One of the most confusing things about becoming sick with an upper respiratory illness such as a cold or the flu is that they begin in a similar manner. However, each requires a different treatment in order to limit the illness and get over it as quickly as possible. So how do we tell them apart? The best way, of course, is to go to your doctor. But it is sometimes possible to make a semi-educated guess, based on symptoms.


A Cold


A cold is caused by a rhinovirus. Like many viruses, it mutates. There are hundreds of strains of the common cold virus and any cold virus can be around at any time. New strains can form all the time, making it difficult to build up immunity to them.


Viruses have no cure, but you can treat the symptoms as best you can to make you or your loved ones more comfortable if they come down with a cold.


Typical symptoms of a cold include:


·         Congestion (head and/or chest)

·         Runny nose (stuffiness from swollen sinuses)

·         Watery eyes

·        Coughing-it can be a dry cough, or one that is productive, that is, produces phlegm in order to get congestion out of your body)

·         Headache

·         Tiredness

·         Itchy nose, eyes and throat

·         Fever (more common in children)

·         Sore throat


The Flu


The flu is caused by one of the strains of the influenza virus.


The flu generally comes on more quickly than a cold. The symptoms seem to hit all at once, and will usually be more severe than when you catch a cold. 


The typical symptoms of flu include:


·         Runny or stuffy nose

·         Cough

·         Sore throat

·         Headaches and/or body aches

·         Fever or feeling feverish (not everyone with the flu has a fever)

·         Chills

·         Fatigue, lack of energy

·         Nausea, vomiting

·         Diarrhea (most common in children)


While the first four symptoms are common to both flu and colds, they are likely to be more intense when you have the flu.


Flu symptoms are strong right from the onset, and they usually run their course in about a week. Colds usually only last a few days.


Relieving Symptoms


Since colds and flu are both viruses, antibiotics will have no effect.


An over the counter cold remedy will help dry up the nasal congestion but try to avoid products with a lot of alcohol or caffeine in them.


Look for a product which does all that you need in one pill or bottle. You’ll save money, and also be able to avoid accidental overdose. For example, acetaminophen (Tylenol®) is a common component in an array of cold remedies but taking too much can lead to liver damage.


You can also use inhalants such as Vicks® VapoRub®, and Olbas oil if you want to use a natural remedy. Afrin nasal spray can also help a great deal and lasts for 12 hours.



The best way to prevent colds and flu is to wash your hands often and not share personal items like cutlery, towels and so on. Avoid contact with those who are ill. Stay at home when you are sick. Keep the communal areas of your house clean, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Taking these precautions may keep you from getting sick at all or can highly minimize your chances so you can have an enjoyable winter season.