
Monday, December 28, 2020

Lights, Camera, Action When It Comes to SAD

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, affects millions of people around the world. It is a form of depression caused by the lack of daylight during the short winter days, especially when there is bad weather. Those who live above the Arctic Circle are particularly prone to it due to their not seeing any sunlight for weeks at a time once the sun dips below the horizon.

SAD can trigger depression, illness and weight gain. With colds and also the dreaded flu making their rounds, many people fall ill during the winter and lose time at work or at the holidays because they are not feeling well in body, mind and spirit.

The Effects of Depression


Depression tends to lead to poor self-care. Some people don’t eat. Others try to cheer themselves up with food. When the holidays come, they overeat, but are often too listless to exercise.


They end up in the worst physical condition they have been in all year and then feel depressed about their body image.


When the warm weather arrives once again, they struggle to get back into shape so they can start wearing less bulky winter clothes once more and show off their figure anew.


Effort is Painful


Everything seems an effort when you have SAD.  Many people withdraw from others because they don’t want to be a “party pooper” or allow others to realize they are struggling. People with SAD will often cry uncontrollably, which can be embarrassing so they stay at home.


So, what is a person to do if they think they have SAD?




What they really need is to be outside in the fresh air and sunshine a little every day. They also need companionship, in order to avoid social isolation, which can trigger or worsen depression.



When you are outdoors with friends, be sure to take a camera along to record your good times together. Post them in prominent places so you know you are valued and that you can have a great time in spite of the winter weather.




In addition to getting out of the house, consider taking up a winter sport like cross country skiing or snowshoeing. They can give you a great cardio workout.


Not fond of snow?  Rent or stream some fitness DVDs and try a range of interesting workout routines. You’re sure to find some you love.


Light Therapy


In some cases, these actions might not be enough to lift your SAD. In that case, the doctor may recommend phototherapy, commonly referred to as light therapy.


Light therapy uses an instrument called a light box. You sit a few feet away from it first thing in the morning. The light imitates natural sunlight, which appears to trigger a change in the brain chemicals linked to mood and helps ease depression.


Light therapy should ideally be started in the autumn, before the days start to get really short. This is also the best time to start because it can take from days or weeks to start working. 


If you think you have SAD, speak to your doctor and see if a light box might be right for you.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Winter Fun Without Frostbite

It’s good to get outdoors into the sunlight for some fresh air and natural Vitamin D production, but frostbite is one winter wellness challenge you and your entire family can’t afford to ignore.


What is Frostbite?


Frostbite occurs when the skin literally freezes. Spending too much time outdoors in the cold and wind without being protected sufficiently from the elements is the main cause. Children are more prone than adults because of their more sensitive skin. 


Frostbite can be dangerous if not treated quickly, leading to permanent tissue damage and even loss.  Due to the skin freezing, blood is no longer able to flow to, for example, the tips of the fingers of someone who isn’t wearing gloves or mittens. The loss of blood flow results in a loss of circulation and the skin and underlying tissue will start to die. 


If the skin is not re-warmed in a timely manner, it can turn black and might even develop gangrene and need to be removed surgically.




Hypothermia, that is, low body temperature, might also result as well as frostbite. It is a particular risk if someone ends up falling into a cold body of water, such as a river or lake, while they are ice skating.  Hypothermia is a medical emergency as well.


Getting Treatment


In the case of both frostbite and hypothermia, the most important thing is to rewarm the skin or body. Avoid rubbing, as this can cause tissue damage. Blowing gently can help. In the case of mild frostbite, known as frost nip, going inside and warming up near a heat source (but not touching it) should be enough to help things thaw out.


For severe frostbite, the area should be soaked in warm water until the temperature adjusts and the skin has thawed.


In the case of hypothermia, blankets and getting them to the hospital will help. There they will get a warming blanket and perhaps even an intravenous drip of warm saline to restore normal body temperature.




Pay attention to the weather reports. Use common sense. It may look sunny outside, but if it is very windy, don’t stay out too long. Wind chill can make temperatures feel much colder than they actually are.


Bundle up as warmly as possible.  A hat and/or hood will help protect your head and reduce the loss of body heat from the cold. A scarf will protect your throat and chest and also your face if needed.


Gloves or mittens will keep fingers frost-bite free. Be careful playing with wet snow, as your fingers can start to freeze through wet woolly gloves if you are out for a long time.


If it is a really cold day, a face mask or balaclava can help.


Go inside when you feel chilled.  Avoid smoking tobacco, which is bad for your circulation. Steer clear of alcohol. People may think that it has a warming effect, but the truth is it actually makes it more difficult for your body to regulate its own temperature and decreases circulation, boosting the risk of frostbite.

The Winter Wellness Challenge is about to begin. Come join us in our Brand New You Facebook Group!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Winter Wellness Challenge Is On!


Winter can be a wonderful time of year, but for many people it can mean several months of misery if they live in a part of the world which experiences severe cold weather during the winter months. 

 On the one hand, there are all sorts of exciting winter activities:

·         downhill skiing

·         cross-country skiing

·         snowboarding

·         snowshoeing

·         snowmobiling

·         and other outdoor winter activities.

On the other hand, there is the temptation to pretend we are a bear and just hibernate until the spring thaw comes.

The truth is, becoming inactive during winter can be one of the worst things you can do for your health. It might seem tough to enjoy the short days and long nights of winter, but spending time outside during each winter’s day offers several health benefits.

Fresh Air

Being cooped up indoors leaves you more prone to colds and flu, since you will be surrounded by other people coughing and sneezing.  


Exercise boosts energy levels and mood.  It also helps you burn calories, which is very useful if you tend to gain weight around the end of year holidays in the Northern Hemisphere.

More Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a hormone our body produces as a result of exposure to the sun. We can take supplements, but 30 minutes of sunshine per day (wearing sunscreen, of course) can give us all the D we need.

Light Therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Winter can cause many to feel the blues. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, affects millions of people around the world. It is caused by the lack of daylight during the short winter days, especially when there is bad weather.  

SAD can trigger depression, illness and weight gain. Colds and flu can make people (and their immune systems) even more depressed. Getting out in the sun is the best way to combat SAD and live life to the full each winter.

Eating Issues

Many people pack on the pounds in the winter. They crave hot “comfort foods” to warm up on a cold day. The holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas in the US can be a diet disaster. Eating more and working out less, if at all, because of the cold weather, is a recipe for weight gain and getting out of shape.  By the time spring rolls around, you’ll be a couch potato, and look like a spud in your swimsuit if you’re not careful.

Skin and Hair Issues in Winter

Winter weather is a lot colder and drier than summer weather, which means it takes its toll on your skin. Your hair might start to look dry and brittle like straw. Your skin might become chapped, red and flaky. If you already have dry skin, winter can make it much worst. Paying attention to moisturizing your hair, face and skin can keep you looking and feeling great.

Dressing for Safety in Winter

Last, but not least, you need to dress for safety in winter. Cold kills. A hat, scarf, gloves and proper footwear to match the weather conditions are all essential.

Over the next few weeks, we are going to be taking a look at winter wellness and what we can do to stay fit and healthy despite the weather! Come join the Winter Wellness Challenge in our Brand New You Facebook Group!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Have You Added Microgreens To Your Diet?

You may have heard of microgreens already, especially if you are into current health trends. You may even have spotted them for sale in your local grocery or health food store. You may also have spotted their hefty price tag compared to their small size! 

So what exactly are they? Microgreens are the very young seedlings of vegetables and herbs. They are different from sprouts. Microgreens are harvested later than sprouts, after the first leaves have appeared. This is not to confuse them with baby greens, which are harvested later. .Microgreens are extremely nutrient-dense. And two, because they are a cash cow at the moment.

Let's talk about the nutritional value. Microgreens have all of the same vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients as their fully-grown versions but in a much smaller package. That means you can get much of the nutrition you need from just a modest amount of food.

And since almost any fully edible plant can be grown as a microgreen, a variety of microgreens can provide a wide range of required nutrients. Some of the more popular include basil, beets, broccoli, swiss chard, parsley, kale, pea, sunflower, and watercress.

Microgreens offer a year-round source of fresh food. And you don't even need to buy them at a store where they can be pretty expensive. They can be grown easily and with very simple equipment. You don't even need a garden! If you have a sunny windowsill, you can grow microgreens. Which means when other fresh produce is scarce, you can have a supply of fresh, nutritionally-dense greens - even in the depths of winter!

I'll be sharing more about how to grow and harvest microgreens. But for now, I just wanted to acquaint you with these little green gems.

If you want to try some microgreens right now, check out this Window Garden Microgreens Starter Kit! It's how I started growing mine. I'll be sharing a video later showing just how this kit works.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Take Time To Review Your Morning Routine Regularly

Creating routines and habits for your mornings are a great thing. They allow you to do what you need to do to move ahead without having to spend a lot of energy and time thinking about it. That’s a good thing. It’s can also be a dangerous thing when you’ve focused on the wrong things and are in the habit of doing things that don’t help you reach your goals. 

When we get into a routine, it’s hard to stop and ask ourselves if it’s working as well as it could be. Even more importantly, with a routine and a set of habits firmly established, it’s easy to keep going even when the circumstances changes. That’s why it’s important to take some time every now and again to review your routine and habits, including the new morning routine.

Set aside a little time every few months to review your routine. Put it on the calendar and make sure you do it. It won’t take long and it will be a very valuable exercise in the long run. Our lives and circumstances change. Our routines should change with it. Just because something has served us well in the past, doesn’t mean it will continue to do so. Which brings up a good point…

When you sit down to review your morning routine (or any routine or habit you’ve been working on for that matter), ask yourself this:

Is it working? Is it working really well?

If it is, simply carry on. If it isn’t, it may be time to make some changes and tweak it until you find something that works well for you at that particular point in time.

Another way to look at it is to find what you love and what you hate about the new morning routine. Change it accordingly until you get as close as possible to loving everything about it and still getting the results you want.

Remember, this morning routine will change and evolve over time as you, your circumstances, and the people in your life change and evolve. Embrace the changes and look at them as an indication that you’re making progress.

Keep tweaking and improving your morning routine and don’t be afraid to change your goals for it. Maybe you started out by making exercise a priority first thing in the day. As time goes by and you become more fit and make time for it later in the day, your focus may shift to meditation, or catching up on some reading. Keep evolving, keep changing, and keep using those precious first few hours of each day to establish some positive change in yourself and those around you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Habits and Routines Are Important

My husband says I am a creature of habit. Actually he says I'm borderline OCD. But that can be a good thing. I need my routine. And with your new morning game plan figured out, it’s time to not only put it into action, but make it your new morning routine. Why is this important? Because you want to make sure your new plan happens every morning without fail and turning into a routine is the best way to make sure that happens.

Before something becomes a habit or a routine, it takes a lot of willpower to make things happen. That’s energy that you will need for other things throughout your morning and busy rest of the day. Yes, it will take some willpower, mental energy, and drive at first to create the new morning habits, but once they are set, it will become automatic like brushing your teeth before bed.

Once you come up with a good morning routine, stick to it for a few weeks. That’s the best way to turn it into a strong habit. Before long, it will feel like the new normal and you won't have to remind yourself to do each thing along the way. It will have become a habit and a routine you’ll follow automatically. It will take a lot less effort and mental pep-talk to get things done… even if your new routine includes a 30 minute run, or getting up a bit earlier to meal-prep for the day.

Watch out for moments when you slip back into your old habits and routines. It’s going to happen. The key is to catch it early and get back on track as quickly as possible. For example, let’s say you’ve been doing well with waking up 30 minutes earlier and going for a run before you start your day. Then one day you oversleep and can’t make it out there. Or the weather turns too bad, you get sick or hurt, or something else pops up that keeps you from going on that run. That’s life. It happens. What’s important is what you decide to do the next morning.

Your most important job whenever life gets in the way of your new morning routine is to get back on track as quickly as possible. Do what you can as soon as you notice the disruption. If the weather is bad, do a quick workout at home, or head to the gym to run on the treadmill. If you overslept, try to squeeze in a few minutes of meditation or a short cardio workout before you get back to the rest of your day. Most importantly get back on track with your regular morning routine as soon as possible. Get back into your new habits the next morning if at all possible. Actively remind yourself to get back on track for a few days until your routine is firmly back in place. You’ll be glad you did when you start to see the results you’ve been hoping for.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How To Create A New Morning Game Plan

Now that you have a pretty good idea of what you want to do in the morning, what you don’t want to or need to do, and where to find the extra time needed, it’s time to put it all together in a new morning game plan.
The best place to start is with the new set of tasks that are most important to you. Figure out when you want to get them accomplished. If your goal is to go for a run in the morning, you may decide to do that first thing before getting a shower and having breakfast. If your goal is to meditate each morning, you may decide it would work best after you’ve had a cup of coffee. If your goal is to find some time for reading in the morning, you could carve out some time before everyone else gets up and while you enjoy that first cup of coffee.

Then work the rest of your morning chores around these new plans. It may take some shuffling around and mixing up of your current routine, but with a little creative thinking and a bit of flexibility, I’m sure you can come up with a working plan.

Making over your morning and turning it into a new routine isn’t something that comes natural to most of us. It takes a little while to get into a new habit. We’ll look at this in a little more detail in future posts. For right now, my suggestion is that you write your new morning game plan down. It’s easy to forget what you’re planning to do. Writing it down will not only give you a reference to refer back to, but also solidify your new plan in your mind.

Put the note, or notebook where you jotted down your new plan on your night table or somewhere else where you’ll see it first thing in the morning. It will serve as a reminder of what you’re intending to do and do differently in the morning now.

Even though you’ve written your plan down, it’s important to realize it’s not written in stone. The well-laid out plans don’t always work when put into action. Adjust it and make changes as needed until you come up with a new morning game plan that works well for you and the rest of your family. Once you have that, it’s time to make it the new routine… something we’ll talk more about.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

What Should You Be Doing In The Morning?

We have talked about finding the time in your busy morning to do the things that are important to you. Today I want you to think about what you should and what you shouldn’t be doing in those first few hours of the day. That’s an important idea to ponder. So often we get stuck in a rut or a routine and do things because that’s what we’ve always done. We do it without really thinking about whether or not it’s the best use of our time. 

It’s Not About Cramming More Things Into Less Time 

Making over your morning isn’t about figuring out how to cram more tasks into fewer hours. When you read books and articles on productivity and time management, that’s often the main message. While it can help in the short term, it isn’t a good long-term strategy for meaningful change. Very soon you’ll hit the limit of how much faster and how much more efficient you can get. 

Shift your thinking and don’t try to add to what you do in the morning. If you want 15 minutes for meal prep, meditation, or exercise, don’t just think about getting up 15 minutes earlier, or shaving 15 minutes off your morning routine by showering faster, getting dressed in record time, and rushing through breakfast. In other words, don’t add to your already lengthy list of things that need to get done. You’ll only feel more rushed and stressed if you do. 

It’s About Making Smart Choices About Using Your Time 

Instead, what you should be thinking about is the best use of your time in the morning. Compare your perfect morning with your current morning routine. What aren’t you doing on your ideal morning? If you can start by cutting things out, finding time to do what’s important to you becomes much easier. 

There are two great ways to find things you can stop doing. The first is to look for busy work. This is something you do out of habit that doesn’t necessarily need doing every day. Maybe it’s checking your email first thing in the morning or playing around on Facebook for half an hour while you drink your coffee. If that’s how you choose to spend your time, that’s perfectly fine, but if you’re doing it out of habit it may be time to rethink it. 

The second way to quickly earn back time is to see if you’re doing things for others that they can do themselves. Kids are the perfect example. We start out fixing their breakfast, making their lunch, cleaning up after them, picking out their clothes, and making sure their backpack is packed and ready to do. When they are very small, we have to do these things, but all too often we continue to do them long after they’re capable of doing things on their own. The same goes for things we do for our spouse. Maybe there was a time when you had less to do in the morning and it made sense to take on the majority of morning chores. Did things change and if so, is it time to lighten your load and get help from your partner? A few small changes may be all it takes to make the time in your busy morning for what’s important to you.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

How to Find More Time in Your Busy Morning

Mornings are busy. In fact in my house, they can be a little bit crazy! If you have a young family and plenty of people to get ready and out the door, you know this first hand. I don't anymore but I remember! The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way, no matter how busy you think you are first thing in the day. In the first post in this series, I shared with you how the first few hours in the morning set the tone for the entire rest of the day. Do you want that to be rushed, frantic, and feeling like you’re constantly running and trying to catch up? Or do you want it to be calm, collected, productive, and with a feeling that you’re in control? It’s up to you and it’s all about embracing two simple concepts.

Get Up Early Enough

It’s tempting to hit the snooze button and catch a few more minutes of sleep, isn’t it? It’s hard to set the alarm early enough that you have plenty of time for everything you want and need to get done. I get it. If, like me, you’re not a morning person, moving up the alarm by 30 minutes to carve out a little extra time can be tough. Trust me though, after the first few mornings it’s not nearly as hard as you think and something you’ll quickly get used to.

Getting up early enough and avoiding the snooze button at all costs is the key to an unrushed morning. Here’s the problem with cutting time too short, or worse hitting the snooze button a few times. It gets you behind from the very start. You have to rush to make it out the door in time and any little problem or speed bump along the way turns into a huge problem. Not being able to find the car keys is suddenly a major crisis because it could cause you to be late for work and the kids to be tardy at school. Remember, your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. If you start it chasing down time and things, that’s likely how you’ll spend the rest of your time - all day long.

Getting up early enough on the other hand puts you ahead of the game. You’re in control. You can take care of everything that needs doing in a calm manner and still have time for the important things you want to work on. In short, getting up early enough sets you up for an amazing, productive day.

Restructure Your Routine

Spend a little time thinking about your current morning routine and where you’re spending time. Look for things you can change and tweak to find more time for the things you really want to do. For example, if you want an extra 20 minutes in the morning to meditate, look at what you could take care ahead of time, eliminate, or delegate to make that time. If you spend a lot of time getting breakfast for everyone, get in the habit of setting the breakfast table the night before. Get your spouse to get the coffee ready, so all you have to do in the morning is push a button. Teach the kids to make their own breakfast and take the dirty dishes to the sink, rinse them, and put them in the dish washer. Make sure clothes are set out the night before (including yours), and that book bags, purses, briefcases, and car keys have a designated spot and that they are where they need to be before you turn in for the night. Small changes like this to your morning routine can make a big difference. I challenge you to come up with a few small tweaks that will save you at least 30 minutes in the morning.

Monday, July 20, 2020

What Does Your Perfect Morning Look Like?

It's day two of the Makeover Your Morning Challenge and I have a question for you. What’s most important to you? What is the one thing you really want to do on a daily basis that would make a big difference, but you just can’t seem to find the time for?

In short, what good habit do you want to cultivate that would make a real impact on your health? Think about this for a moment. It could be in any area of your life from exercise and healthy eating to self-improvement or getting ahead in business or at your job. It could be working on your relationship with your kids, finding time for creative pursuits, or getting in the habit of reading every morning. Believe it or not, all of these things can impact your health so it's okay to include them in your makeover considerations!

Once you’ve figured out what you want to work on, what you want to improve, and what’s important to you, we’ll think about how you can make it part of your morning routine. Sit back and imagine your perfect morning. It isn’t stressed or rushed. It’s a day when you have time for everything on your list. Maybe it means having time for a long shower. Maybe it’s going for a run before breakfast. Maybe it’s having a few minutes to connect with your spouse over coffee or maybe it’s carving out 30 minutes first thing in the morning to meditate.

That’s a lot of “maybes” but the key is to start with what’s most important to you and think about how you could fit it into your morning routine. Remember, you’re just dreaming and imagining at this point. We’ll work on figuring out where to find the time to fit it in and how to make it all work out later on. For now I simply want you to paint a vivid picture of what your new morning could be.

I want you to become very clear on what you want that perfect morning to look like. Imagine it in as much detail as you possibly can. Write it down in a journal or on a piece of paper that you can refer back to as needed. In short, define your perfect morning. 

Why is this so important? Because you can’t start to make any meaningful changes until you know what your goals are. You need to know your destination before you can start to pick a route and figure out how you’ll get there. That’s what today’s task is all about. It’s figuring out where you want to get to. Don’t stop until you have it figured out and firmly pictured in your mind

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Makeover Your Morning Challenge

I love mornings - as long as they start after 10 am! But seriously, I really do love mornings. Each new day brings new opportunities and it’s a chance to start fresh and do better. How you start your day, or more specifically how you spend those first few morning hours, has a big impact on the rest of it. You are setting the tone for your entire day. That’s why making over your morning is so important. It's why I never miss my morning Power Hour.  It’s about much more than those first few hours.

I’m sure you’ve experienced this yourself. Now that you've decided to finally take charge of your health, you have to find time for exercise, food prep, meditation, and maybe even some much needed "me time". And so you set an early alarm to make sure you have time for everything you need to do. You have every intention of getting up and doing whatever you’re setting out to do when you set the alarm in the first place. Some mornings - hopefully most mornings - you get up when the alarm goes off and go for that walk, do your meditation, exercise, or read. Then there are those days when you just can’t make yourself get up. You hit the snooze button multiple times, or turn the alarm off altogether and go back to sleep. Sound familiar?

Think about how the rest of those days went. Did you notice a difference in how you felt? How much did you get done on the mornings when you got up when the alarm first went off? Were you able to do all the things you set out to do? How did those days compare to the ones when you hit the snooze button over and over again?

If I had to take a guess, I’d say that the mornings when you got up as soon as the alarm went off went a lot better. I bet you accomplished what you had planned to do. Sure, you may have been tired. But once you started your routine, I'll bet you noticed you felt more energy. And chances are that sleeping through the snooze button didn’t just affect your morning, but the entire rest of your day. You set the tone for how your day is going to go first thing in the morning. That’s what the old saying about getting up on the wrong side of the bed is about. So let’s make sure we get up on the right side and start our day off in a positive and productive way.

Over the course of the next seven days, I want to guide you through the process of making over your morning. As we’ve already established, this is an important task and a good thing to work on. Not only will you enjoy your mornings more even if the alarm goes off much earlier than you’d like, it will make the entire rest of your day go much smoother.

Ready for the Morning Makeover Challenge? Let's do this!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Metabolism and Metabolic Rate

Do you know what your metabolism is? Many people think it’s just to do with weight gain or weight loss, but it is far more complex than that. The dictionary meaning is,

“Your metabolism is the way that chemical processes in your body cause food to be used in an efficient way, for example to make new cells and to give you energy.” – Collins Dictionary

What many people don’t realize is that the body burns calories even when it is resting. The body doesn’t just burn calories when performing rigorous physical training. Our body requires calories to produce energy for many body processes.

Your body constantly needs energy just to stay alive. The problem is, many people take in more calories than their body needs for fuel or energy, which raises a very good question.

How do you know how much energy your body needs every day for good health? This is vital for weight management, as ingested calories which are excess to energy requirements will very likely be stored as body fat.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate refers to the amount of energy needed by the body while it is at a resting state. When the body is at rest, it is still burning energy, as it performs the vital processes to keep us alive, such as breathing, the heart keeping beating, brain function, and more.

For most people, the Basal Metabolic Rate, or the calories that the body needs for automatic functioning, is what comprises the largest amount - more than 60% - of total energy that the body burns every single day.

Measuring BMR

The BMR is measured during the post-absorptive state, which means the digestive system is at rest. Therefore, if you want to determine your BMR, your body has to undergo at least 12 hours of fasting prior to testing.

Most experts use a formula called the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation to determine an individual’s BMR. However, others prefer to use the Harris-Benedict equation, although the first is considered more accurate than the latter. It is for this reason that the Mifflin-St. Jeor is now deemed to be the standard BMR calculator.

Formula for Calculating BMR

If you’re interested in calculating your BMR, here are the 2 different types of formulas for making the calculations.

For Men

The Mifflin St. Jeor Equation
BMR = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) + 5

The Harris Benedict Equation
BMR = (13.75 x Weight in kg) + (5 x Height in cm) – (6.76 x Age) + 66

For Women

The Mifflin St. Jeor Equation
BMR = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) – 161

The Harris Benedict Equation
BMR = (9.56 x Weight in kg) + (1.85 x Height in cm) – (4.68 x Age) + 655

Factors to Consider in Calculating Your BMR


An individual’s metabolic rate may tend to decrease with age. It is because as we age our muscle mass declines, as much as 5-10% every ten years starting at age 30. However, this decline in muscle mass can be prevented or at least reduced through strength training.


Gender is another important factor, as men and women differ in ratios of muscle, fat and bone mass.  Studies reveal that a man’s BMR is higher than a woman’s, as much as 12%. Research also shows that the BMR of a woman changes before and after her menstrual cycle.

Weight and Height

The heavier you are, the more energy your body needs in order to fuel itself at a maintenance level. If you lose weight, your Basal Metabolic Rate will reduce as your body requirements will become less.

Body Temperature

An increase in body temperature causes an increase in Basal Metabolic Rate. This means that if a patient has a fever, their BMR is also higher.


Stress causes the body to produce higher amounts of norepinephrine and epinephrine hormones which results in a faster heart rate and increased respiratory rate. In turn, the body experiences an increased metabolic rate to compensate for changes in bodily functions.

Caffeine Intake

Studies have also shown that consuming 5 to 100 milligrams of coffee on a daily basis may cause an increase in basal metabolic rate, up to 7%. The same thing is also true for those who smoke.

Every person has a huge potential control over their energy or calorie usage. While you may not be able to control how many calories your body needs to keep your blood circulating or your heart beating, you can certainly burn excess calories just by exercising and eating healthy foods.

Making little changes to your daily activities can influence your body’s metabolic rate, which will help use more energy even while resting.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

It's Not Just About Being Skinny!

I was not fat as a child. Not as a teen. Definitely not as an adult. Being on active duty demands that you stay fit. wasn't until I was well into my 50's that I really began to pack on the pounds.

It's no surprise that as noticed my weight begin to creep up, I noticed the beginnings of some weight-related problems. Joint pain from the strain of excess weight on my knees and hips. High blood pressure. Difficulty sleeping. Fatigue. It's also no surprise that I had absolutely NO idea what to do about it. I had never been fat. In fact, as a child, my parents were told to feed me fattening foods to help me GAIN weight. I knew nothing about nutrition or diet or even exercise. In the military, I just ate what they gave me in the chow hall and did the required PT.

When a doctor finally told me I was beginning to become dangerously overweight, I knew I had to do something. At 200 lbs, I knew he was right. And so I embarked on my journey to get SKINNY! By any means possible. And I tried them all. Every fad diet. Every weight loss product. Every fitness program. And they all worked...for a while. But as soon as I stopped using whatever the current fad was at the time, the weight came back...with some extra just for good measure. Finally at 270 lbs and in total despair, I decided to stop listening to all the stuff and nonsense being promoted and do my own research.

And the first thing I discovered was that I was focusing on the wrong thing. I was so intent on being skinny again, I forgot about my health. As a child, I was told to gain weight because I was TOO SKINNY and unhealthy. In high school and college, you could see my hip bones and collar bones sticking out under my clothes. I was skinny. But I also suffered from headaches and "stomach bugs" and if there was a cold or flu going around, you could be sure I would get it. It took a while but I finally learned that SKINNY does not always equate to HEALTHY.

Yes, there are health risks associated with being overweight. Diabetes, high blood pressure, breast cancer, and heart disease to name a few. So I am not saying it's okay to give up trying to lose weight. What I am saying is stop trying for some idealized number on a scale and focus instead on getting healthy.

First, being skinny does not necessarily mean healthy. I remember one particular employee I had who was absolutely perfectly built. Thin and lovely. And always calling in sick. And I mean legitimately sick. If there was any kind of illness going around, she would get it. And my scrawny, string-bean husband is a Type 2 diabetic. You know...diabetes. The fat people's disease. He also has high cholesterol and heart disease. Both my hubs and my ex-employee are absolutely skinny. And both are terribly unhealthy.

Many skinny people assume that just because they are thin, they can eat whatever they want. They don't think about exercise. They are blessed with a high metabolism and so they don't worry about what they put in their bodies. My husband would eat a pound of bacon at one sitting and drink soda all day. My employee would often skip lunch to keep from gaining weight and then eat a candy bar and soda later in the day to keep her energy up. Healthy habits indeed!

So where am I now in my weight loss journey? Not focusing on weight loss. I am focused on health. I started meditating to help relieve stress and lower my blood pressure. I walk to help relieve the stiffness in my joints. I exercise which helps me sleep better. I discovered the unhealthy foods that were causing my headaches and stomach issues and have replaced them with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and less processed junk. I have given up soda in favor of unsweetened herbal teas and water.

Is it working? At my last checkup, I had lost a total of 60 pounds. My blood pressure is down 29 points. My blood sugar is normal. My cholesterol is normal. And because I have replaced fad dieting and ridiculously intense crash weight loss programs with healthy lifestyle changes, I know I can keep doing this for the rest of my life. I feel great. I look good. I am stronger and healthier than ever. And while I may not ever be skinny again, I am confident that I will reach a more ideal weight for me. But no matter what my final weight is, I know that I will always choose to focus on my health and not some arbitrary number on the scale. It's not about being skinny. It's about being healthy.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Do I Really Need to Take a Multivitamin?

The ads all say you should be taking a daily multivitamin.

But, can you trust the ads? After all, they are companies trying to sell a product. So, should you believe what the ads say? Why should you take multivitamins? Is it really that important?

Getting your vitamins and minerals from food rather than supplements is the best method to ensure you are receiving all the nutrients your body needs. However, there are several reasons this isn't always going to work. Many of us just don't eat right, and even when we do eat right, the nutritional levels in the foods we buy may not be as dense as they could be, or used to be. Multivitamins provide an easy way to get the nutrients you may be missing.

But, just grabbing a multivitamin off the shelf may not be the best advice. Before you buy, check the label to ensure you will be getting what you need. The vitamins and minerals you want to be sure are included are:

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

Vitamin K


Folic Acid



These are the basic 'building blocks' for good health and proper nutrition. Be sure to check the FDA’s Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for each vitamin and mineral's individual amount required, then read the label and make sure you are getting what you need.

When you have the right balance of vitamins and minerals in a multivitamin, you will help give your body the ability to function properly. Here are just a few areas where the correct nutrients can help fend off illness and promote good health:

Preventing Deficiencies

When your body is deficient in vitamins and minerals, you can experience an array of health problems. Taking a daily multivitamin can help reduce the risk of health issues due to these deficiencies.

For example, vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that protects the body's cells from damage; both externally and internally caused damage. For instance, in patients with cataracts, this vitamin has shown the ability to help stop the progression of cataracts, and in some cases even reduce the formation of cataracts.

Reducing Stress

Daily stress is something everyone lives with. Life is filled with stressors, both bad and good. When you feel the adrenalin pumping, you know your body is using up your resources of vitamins and minerals just to handle the anxiety and stress. If you don’t have the proper nutrients your body needs to replenish and handle the drain on your body, you will suffer a deficiency. That’s when you get sick.

For example, our bodies quickly use up vitamin C during stressful situations. If not regularly replaced, this leads to a deficiency. And, in this instance, a deficiency can cause more than an illness. A deficiency of vitamin C can actually perpetuate the stress cycle as it causes irritability and anxiety, causing more stress, causing a drain of more vitamin C, and so on and so forth. And stress can lead to weight gain! Taking a supplement with vitamin C can help end this cycle.

Boosting Energy and Brain Power

Lack of proper nutrition can make you feel sluggish and tired. By taking a multivitamin every day, you know you're providing your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs. We all skip breakfast sometime, and we know how we feel if we do. Having that bit of nutrition 'insurance' helps your body stay healthy and awake, and doing what you ask it to do.

In much the same way, having the proper balance of vitamins and minerals provides your brain with the nutrition it needs to stay focused and alert. If achieving mental clarity is a priority in your life, then by all means add a multivitamin to your daily regimen.

Most of us want to eat right. After all, we need to keep our bodies fed with the proper amount of vitamins and minerals to operate at maximum capacity. Getting the nutrition we need from our food is ideal. But, the fact is, life keeps us busy. We don’t always take time to eat properly. Including a multivitamin in your day can help fill the gaps in nutrition. That one little step may just give you peace of mind as you strive to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Remember, taking the right supplements can make a huge difference in their effectiveness. Learn more about the brand that I use here!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Starting My Day With A Power Hour

I first heard the term "Power Hour" from one of my business coaches, Andy Shepherd. (If you haven't heard of him, check out the interview I did with him here!).  Andy said this daily ritual helped him achieve massive success in his business. I took his advice and added a "Power Hour" to my day as well. And you know, it did make a difference. And not just in my business. I think it helped with all of my goals - including my health goals.

Now I can already here you screaming.  I know, I know!  You're spending more time on meal prep instead of fast food and junk food.  You've added exercise to your schedule.  Where are you going to squeeze another hour into your day - "Power" or otherwise?!

Well, first it doesn't have to be an exact hour.  Andy said his was an hour but mine is more like a Power 30 Minutes. And it doesn't have to be every day. I skip Wednesday and Saturday. Wednesday because I have so much scheduled I don't even have an extra 30 minutes. Saturday because I do this ritual first thing in the morning and Saturday is my one day to sleep in. And I'm not giving that up. Not even for the Power Hour!

Second, if you do this ritual regularly, you will be surprised at the results.  You will find more time, more energy, more focus - in short, 30 minutes 5 times a week won't be a struggle. 

So what is this magical ritual?  Preparing your mind and spirit for the day ahead.  For me it consists of prayer, meditation, and education.  You can use whatever activities best suit you.  There are only a couple of requirements for every one, no matter what you are doing.

1.  No phones, computers, televisions, or technology of any kind.
2.  This is ALONE time.  ME time.  This is not family time.
3.  Have a plan for what you are going to do each day.

As I stated, I use this time for prayer, meditation, and education. 

For my first 10 - 15 minutes, I read Scripture and practice devotions.  My connection to God is extremely important to me and starting my day asking for guidance and blessing helps me face whatever challenges lie ahead.

Then I spend 10 -15 minutes in meditation.  I may focus on something I read in Scripture.  Or I may focus on something that has been a challenge for me.  Whatever it is, I spend 10 -15 minutes focusing my thoughts on it and seeing where my mind will lead me.  Often it leads me to an answer I've been seeking.

I spend the last 10 -15 minutes reading.  It may be a chapter in a book.  Or an article. Or an email from a list I'm on.  It might be educational or it might be more inspirational.

And that's it.  Every day. 

So how does this help me get healthier?  Well it probably doesn't directly - unless I'm reading something health-related during my reading time. But it does help set the tone for the rest of my day. When I do this consistently, I am less stressed. And when I am less stressed, I make better decisions - like what to eat. I have more energy - for exercise. I am more focused - which means I am more productive which means I have more time - for meal prep and exercise. Or for my Power Hour. 

So while I may not be burning hundreds of calories, building muscle, and working up a sweat, I am more focused on the things that are important in my life - like my health.

What activities might you include in your Power Hour?