
Monday, December 13, 2021

Get Your Kids off the Couch: Tips for Adding More Movement to Your Day

Our world today revolves around the latest technology in the form of smartphones, tablets, and video game systems.  Big name companies compete to bring us the latest and greatest technology and it not only has an affect on adults, but children as well.

Children today are growing up in a completely different world than it was 20 years ago.   There are first graders with cell phones, teens who would rather text than talk, and video games with such lifelike graphics it’s scary. The lure of these video games is especially strong in children and teens and brings with it the problem of little or no outside activity in this age group.  As parents, it’s important to know how to get your children involved in something other than staring at a TV screen or holding a game controller all day long. 

Create a routine – A daily routine can help your child get rid of bad habits and instill some discipline in the whole family.  Talk to your child about getting on a schedule and let them be involved in creating a routine that works for all of you.  Limit the amount of time your child is in front of the television, on the Internet, or on his/her cell phone and stick to it. Make a trip to the park or a walk outside part of your daily routine.  If it’s too cold outside, play a game of tag or hide and seek just to get yourself and your child moving.  Small daily steps can help to break some bad habits and lead you into a new way of life.

Be the example – Parents can set a great example for their children if they are active in their daily routine.  If your child sees you exercising or spending more time outside than in front of the television they will most likely follow your example as they grow older.  It may take a little bit of nudging to get them to put the cell phone down but it will happen.  Likewise, if you are a couch potato, or have your nose stuck in the computer all day they will be more apt to follow in your footsteps.  Be the person that you would want your child to be.  If you keep that in mind, it won’t be hard to set good habits in motion for the whole family.

Find activities your child will enjoy – This can be anything from organized sports at school to a daily trip to the local gym.  Talk to your child about getting involved in school activities that will keep them moving.  If he/she isn’t much of a sports fanatic there are a ton of other ways to keep them active.  Swimming, or simply blasting some music and dancing around the living room are great ways to keep in shape and have fun while doing it. 

It may take some time to establish a routine that works for you and your family but don’t give up.  Make small changes on a daily basis to get your child used to any form of daily activity.  Pretty soon, a trip to the park or playing ball outside will be the new normal instead of coming home to play video games or surf the Internet.  Making small daily changes not only forms better habits in your child, but in your whole family.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

5 Outdoor Activities that Get the Whole Family Moving

Life is full of daily activities that keep you running from one point to the next.  However, carving out time for some of the activities that get the blood pumping and the heart racing is a little bit harder to do.  Finding time to be active as a family is important, not only for your health but for your relationships as well.  Here are a few outside activities you can do to keep your family active.

Picnic at the park – Pack a healthy lunch and hit up one of the local parks for the afternoon.  There is no better way to get your family up and moving.  This is a great way to bond and have a conversation that doesn’t consist of text messages and emails.   Once you finish eating, the rest of the time can consist of hitting the ball around, playing at the playground, or simply chasing your kids around for a game of tag.  Whatever activity you choose, the whole family gets some exercise and some time to connect with each other.

Take a bike ride – This is such a great way to experience the outdoors with the whole family.  Safe biking paths can be found all over to make it easier and the fresh air will do everyone a world of good.  Many of the biking paths will go right past a park or playground so you will be able to get some extra playtime in.  Biking is a great way to boost your energy levels and give your legs a workout.

Roller skating – Break out the roller skates or rollerblades and hit the pavement for a breath of fresh air and some exercise that will get all the muscle groups working.  Roller-skating is especially good for your heart and is considered one of the best cardio workouts you can do.  Find a bike path or just skate around the neighborhood and enjoy the scenery. The kids will love it and it’s a great way to be silly and get some laughs out of everyone.

Gardening – This is a fantastic way to get outdoors and get the whole family involved and working together. The entire process – from deciding what you will plant, to picking the seeds, to digging up some dirt – will engage everyone and get them excited about the possibilities.  Not only is it terrific exercise, but it’s also a great way to teach children about patience and attention to detail.  It will be especially fun to keep track of the progress and see the end result.

Walking – Taking a walk around the neighborhood is a super effective cardio workout and a way to catch up and chat with members of your family.  Choose a different path each time in order to give everyone some variety.  Step it up a level and wear ankle or wrist weights while you walk to give yourself an added boost.  Walking is a leisurely activity that can also push your limits if you choose to do so.  The family time together during your walk is just an added benefit to getting in shape.

It’s often said that people give up on their fitness goals because they get bored or burnt out on the activities that they are doing.  It’s so important to incorporate a variety of ways to workout so you keep going, and have fun at the same time. Each member of the family should have a say in what activities are chosen to keep it fair.  Given the large amount of outdoor activities a family has to choose from, it will be a surefire way for everyone to stay active.