
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Be Competitive to Lose Weight and Get Fit

Competition is a motivational tool that’s been used for centuries. People compete in games, among their peers and with themselves. The need to compete isn’t something new.

The desire to join some type of competition stems from the natural desire to win or achieve something. It also comes from the need to push beyond previous limits to improve life or physical performance.

And the competitive spirit urges people to try harder. That’s why a weight loss tool that’s built around a competitive foundation is one that’s popular and in high demand. Take the "Run The Year" challenge I am currently in which I am currently participating. It's a challenging, fun, and competitive way to get rid of unwanted pounds...even though it's not an actual competition.

It can be turned into a specific game of weight loss that taps into that in-born desire to win. Even if you’re someone who’s struggled to lose weight in the past because your desire or motivation dwindled, this could help you.

It works by having you set a goal of running (or walking) 2021 miles this year. There is a medal and a T-shirt. Plus you get a "reward" for every 100 miles completed - a digital "bib" with your photo and mileage that you can post on social media to celebrate your achievement. It’s this competition to hit that next goal that can help drive your determination and keep you from giving up.

You can take part in more than one challenge at once. I am also currently participating in the Streaker Challenge to engage in some form of physical exercise every day in July. It’s easy to participate and convenient, too, since you work it around your schedule and log your miles in the online tracker. And there are FB Groups for participants to encourage, support, and giv advice when needed. You won’t be dealing with tany negative kind of talk. These groups are super-supportive and encouraging.

While the challenge does not focus specifically on losing weight, it does encourage you to be more active and get in shape in a friendly, "compete with yourself" kind of way.

It works because everyone in the groups motivate each other when we see someone needs a little extra encouragement. As you engage in the challenge, log your miles and strive for th next milestone. .

With the online tracker, you’ll be able to keep an eye on how well you're doing so that motivates you to step up your game when you see that you're behind in meeting your next milestone.

You’ll find yourself pushing beyond just to be able to post that next achievement on your social media page.

The power of competition works to help you lose weight, get in shape and best of all, it’s fun to take part in. Even if you're just competing with yourself

But the Run The Year Challenge isn’t the only tool that you can use to engage in competitive weight loss. There are fitness trackers that have the capability to challenge you against other users. There are other weight loss and fitness competitions. You simply do an online search and I guarantee you will find something that motivates you!

Saturday, July 10, 2021

5 Concerns About CBD

CBD. It's the hot new trend in health and wellness. A thriving industry has grown up around the sale of all sorts of CBD infused products. CBD has been reported to help decrease pain and anxiety. It may help you sleep. It has been proven to help in the treatment of epilepsy. And it does all this without making you "high." CBD products cannot contain more than 0.3% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound in marijuana responsible for making you “high.”

For now, it seems like CBD is a safe and legal addition to your health and wellness program. There are, however, still concerns associated with the chemical and products derived from it. CBD only became legal in the United States in 2018 when hemp became legal again, so we’ve not had much time to research its effects fully. For five concerns about CBD, read on.

Side Effects

CBD’s side effects tend to come only at high doses. Make sure to start with a low dose and work your way up. If you tend to experience one or more of these side effects at any dosage level, CBD may not be for you. CBD’s side effects include appetite changes, fatigue, weight loss, dizziness, and diarrhea. You may also experience a funny “uplifted” feeling, but don’t worry. You’re not high, you’ve just had too much CBD.

The Unknown

According to, there are some things about CBD we just don’t know. We have only been taking and researching CBD for a couple years and solid scientific research takes much longer than that.

Some unknown questions, according to, are “What happens if you take CBD daily for sustained periods of time? What level of intake triggers the known risks associated with CBD? How do different methods of consumption affect intake (e.g., oral consumption, topical, smoking or vaping)?

What is the effect of CBD on the developing brain (such as on children who take CBD)?” These are valid questions you should be aware have no solid answer. Experiment at your own risk, AND always use caution. It is also a great idea to consult a medical professional before using CBD to treat a mental or physical illness.

Another cause for concern is the unreliability of the purity and dosage of CBD in products. A recent study of 84 CBD products bought online showed that more than a quarter of the products contained less CBD than labeled. In addition, THC was found in 18 products.

Concerns for Pregnant Mothers Taking CBD

We do not know how CBD effects a developing child or fetus. Pregnant mothers should use caution before putting anything into their body because it will be shared with their developing child. It’s not that CBD is assured to hurt a growing fetus, it’s that we just don’t know. We don’t have enough research.

How Does CBD React With Other Prescription Drugs?

If you are on prescription drugs or even over-the-counter drugs, you need to stay in touch with your doctor before adding or taking away any chemicals. CBD’s reactions with other drugs is another unknown because we have not had enough time to study it. There are not reported cases reporting of detrimental effects from combining CBD with other drugs, but there is not solid science to say it doesn’t happen, either.

Other Potential Side-Effects

WebMD also reports that CBD has caused male reproductive toxicity in some animals (damage to fertility in males or male offspring of women who have been exposed), but we don’t know if it will do the same to humans. CBD can also cause liver injury, drowsiness and sedation when used in combination with alcohol or other downers, gastrointestinal distress (diarrhea and/or decreased appetite), and changes in mood (usually irritability and agitation).

As with all things, moderation and keeping your doctor informed are a great help. Don’t take high CBD doses unless you know it will be alright. Use caution because the hard science on a lot of questions involving CBD is out. That all being said, though, most people report CBD to be a mild relaxer, free of negative side effects. The ultimate judge is you.