
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Women's Healthy Weight

Can we please stop worrying about those numbers on the scale? I mean, yes, they do tell us something. If we're tipping the scale at 300 pounds, that is obviously not healthy. But I'm talking to you ladies, who, like I used to, obsess over an extra pound or two gain.

First, know that your weight does fluctuate from day to day. It will easily vary by as much as three pounds over the course of a few days. 

Second, there's more to being healthy than hitting your "ideal" weight. Yes, I am still several pounds overweight. But because I have taken charge of my own "wellness" and living a cleaner, healthier lifestyle, I am still in good physical condition for my age. I have seen ladies half my size and half my age who are always sick with something. They equate health with slenderness and so they haven't yet realized that they may be "skinny" but their lifestyle is contributing to a host of medical problems.

Instead of focusing on that scale, you should focus on your over body mass index (BMI). This takes into account all those other factors like height, and muscle, and yes, fat composition. There are several tools online to help you calculate your BMI. But one of the easiest and most popular is a simple mathematical formula.

Weight/Height (in inches, squared) x 703

For example: 110 lbs / 65 in (squared) x 703

110 lbs / 4225 in x 703 = 18.3 

Once you know your BMI, you can get determine where you are on the spectrum:

  • Underweight: anything under 18.5
  • Healthy: anything between 18.5 and 24.9
  • Overweight: anything between 25.0 and 29.9
  • Obese: anything above 30.0
So our young lady in the example is actually underweight.

This doesn't give you the whole picture though. There are other factors to consider. Frame size. Muscle composition. Age.

Athletes sometimes may weigh more due to being more muscular. As we age, older adults tend to store more fat than when we were younger.

Although the BMI is more accurate than some arbitrary number on a scale, the truth is that we should focus more on staying within a healthy range. And now that you know how to calculate that, AND you know where that range is, you have one more tool to add to your wellness arsenal.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Let's Rid the World of Fad Diets

Let's be clear on some things. There are no foods or combination of foods that miraculously burn fat. There are no products that will magically melt away fat while you sleep.  But there are lots of fad diets that claim to do just that.

"Eat whatever you want and still lose weight. Melt away pounds and inches with no exercise and without dieting." You've seen the claims. Heck, you might have even fallen for a couple of them. I know I did. I understand. Who wants to give up their favorite foods and be forced to a lifetime of eating like a rabbit? And exercise? Who has time for that? So I totally get it. For a "small" amount of money, they promise to show you how eating the "right" foods or taking the "right" supplements can solve your weight loss problems. And then you can get on with your life...your new slimmer, trimmer life. 

There's just one problem with that. It doesn't work.

While there are diets that will help you lose weight quickly, most of that weight is water. And severely restricting calories means you may not be getting all the nutrients your body needs. If it can't get it from your food, it will get what it can elsewhere. This is why many on very low calorie diets experience muscle- and even bone-loss. Unless you are under an experienced doctor's supervision, very low calorie diets are dangerous. 

There are several variations of this. Have you ever tried the grapefruit diet? Or the cabbage soup diet? Or the low-carb diet? I have. Let me tell you how boring it is to eat the same food every day. Or how deprived you feel when you can't have a piece of your granddaughter's birthday cake because, you know...CARBS! Any diet that promotes eating "all you want" of a specific food (just how much cabbage soup can you eat in one day? EWWW) or restricts entire food groups is not only boring, it's not healthy. Diets like these tend to be lacking in critical nutrients. And I don't care if you are taking a multivitamin everyday. You are still not going to get everything your body needs.

So okay...but what about combinations of foods. Doesn't that work? Aren't there foods that turn your body into a fat-burning machine if eaten together? No. There is simply no credible evidence for this claim. Or its opposite...eating certain foods in the "wrong" combination will produce toxins in your digestive system. What it does do is once again cause you to focus on eating or eliminating certain foods. See the above paragraph for why that is not a good idea. 

Not all diets are fad diets and unhealthy. Diets like the Mediterranean Diet are excellent ways to lose weight and improve your health. How do you tell the difference? Look for the warning signs:

  • Severe calorie restriction
  • Focus on eating quantities of a specific food or combinations of food
  • Eliminating entire food groups from your diet
  • Very rigid menus
If the diet you are considering has any of these, walk away. And if you still aren't sure, ask yourself this question: "Can I eat like this for the rest of my life?" Because if you can't, all your efforts might be useless. One problem with all of these diets is that once you stop them, you usually gain all the weight a few extra pounds just in case you decide to do something this crazy again.

How CAN you lose weight healthfully and for good? Eat a well-balanced diet of nutrient-dense, healthy food. Allow yourself the occasional treat when you want it (prevents binging!). Drink lots of pure, clean water. Try intermittent fasting. Exercise. It doesn't have to be strenuous. A brisk walk everyday is enough. Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Reduce stress. 

Pretty simple, right? So let's rid the world of these crazy fad diets once and for all and focus on a healthy lifestyle. Once you do that, the weight will take care of itself.  

If you want to see how I eat now, check out the book The Blue Zones Solution. It's my healthy lifestyle bible!