
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Setting Your Fitness Goals

When I decided to get fit and lose weight, there were a number of big decisions I had to make. The main one was what goal would I set for myself that would put me on the path to success?

Why We Fail with Our Fitness Goals

A lot of people set a fitness goal and try to keep up the good work. After a couple of days or weeks of effort, however, they have usually given up. In some cases, they might be in even worse shape than before due to an injury caused by overdoing things, or not doing an exercise properly.

We often fail to reach our goals because they are too vague, and/or because we think we have to be “perfect.”

Setting a SMART Goal

Goals often run along the lines of statements like this:

“I want to get more fit.”

“I want to lose weight.”

The trouble is these are not SMART goals.


· Specific

· Measurable

· Attainable

· Relevant/Realistic

· Timed

In terms of specific, what does more fit mean? How much weight do you want to lose? Some people decide to spend 30 minutes working out every day. Others set a weight loss goal of, for example, 20 pounds.

The goal should be measurable so you can track your progress. Set a timer for 30 minutes. Or, check your scale each week to see how much weight you are losing.

Most goals are attainable, but it is a question of whether or not they are realistic within a given time frame, the “T” in SMART goals. With the gym goal, it would be foolish to start with 30 minutes every day if you have been a couch potato for years. However, this could be your goal within 2 to 3 months.

If you want to lose 20 pounds overnight, that is not realistic. It took time to gain weight, so it will take time to lose it. A safe rate of weight loss averages at 1 to 2 pounds per week, so if you said you wanted to drop 20 pounds within 3 months, that would be possible. A weight loss diary could help you track your results.

Giving Up the Idea of Perfection

A lot of people wonder what the best fitness program is. The honest answer is: “The one you will stick to.” You don’t have to be perfect, but you do have to do your best. But your fitness program is in your hands. If you want to work out every day, fine. If you want to skip a day, that’s all right too. The main thing is to be consistent and track each session in your fitness journal to make sure it is advancing you towards the goal you have set.

Getting Organized

Once you set your goal, it is important to track it. A notebook and a plan can help. When are you going to set aside time for working out or going to the gym? What days will you do cardio (to raise the heart rate) and what days will you do strength training in order to build long, lean muscle?

Plan ahead and see what a difference it can make to achieving your fitness goals.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Beating the Winter Blues: 5 Indoor Fitness Activities Your Family will Love

During those freezing cold winter months when you aren’t able to get outside and it’s hard to muster up the motivation to get out and hit the gym, it can seem nearly impossible to get any exercise in.  Activity levels fall to one step above couch potato and we often wonder where the excess weight is coming from.  However, not all is lost.  You do still have a chance to maintain some form of an exercise routine even when the snow is falling and temps are ridiculously low.

Video games – this is not a suggestion to sit on the couch and stare at the television all day with a controller in your hand.  Systems such as the Oculus Quest, PlayStation, and even your smartphone offer games where you can be up and moving while you are playing. Blaston, Until You Fall, Zombies Run and Active Arcade are a few games that will not only get your whole family laughing, but also keep everyone active while the snow blows outside. 

Indoor obstacle course – use your furniture and everyday items around the house to create a fun, unique obstacle course that you all can enjoy.  Make it an event the whole family gets involved in, and time how long it takes each person to complete it.  The winner gets a prize or gets to choose how the next course will be set up.   Use your imagination and be as creative as you want. 

Turn up the music – This may be the one and only time that you don’t yell at the kids to turn the music down.  Blast some tunes as loud as you want and make room for a dance floor in the living room.  Your whole family will enjoy showing off their moves and will get a workout while they are at it.  Step it up a level and have each person create their own unique dance that they perform in front of the whole family. 

Indoor bowling – turn a hallway into a bowling alley with a few simple steps.  Empty soda or water bottles make great pins, and any ball will do. Keep score and see who is the bowling champion.  This type of bowling is cheaper AND you don’t have to wear those awful bowling shoes while you play.

Scavenger hunt – This is a perfect indoor activity to keep the kids busy.  It’s a great way to be creative and keep the imaginative juices flowing.  Hide a variety of items all through the house and leave clues that the kids have to follow to find them.  Whoever finds all items gets to choose a prize or decide what the family will watch on television that night.

Just because it’s cold and nasty outside doesn’t mean you have to give up all forms of exercise.  There are many creative ways to stay active indoors and make memorable moments with your family as well.  It’s one way to get your family looking forward to those cold, winter days rather than dreading them.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Hiking and Biking: Get Out and Get Some Fresh Air

We have some beautiful hiking trails in Northwest Arkansas. My husband and I love taking a walk along parts of our trail system. It's one of our favorite ways to get some exercise and spend some time together. You've probably seen the photos I've posted on social media sharing some of the unique and beautiful things we've discovered on these walks. If so, then you know why we enjoy exploring the different trails!

We also have miles of biking trails. In fact, Bentonville, AR is known as the mountain biking capital of the world.

In this fast paced life we don’t often stop to smell the roses or pause to reflect on how beautiful this world really is.   There are many benefits to getting outside, breathing in some fresh air, and taking in the nature around us.  This is especially true for busy families who barely have time to eat dinner together. 

Two activities that can pull a family together and get them moving are hiking and biking.  Not only will you get some great exercise, but also you will be able to connect with your family again and strengthen those relationships.  Not only that, but both hiking and biking have some fantastic benefits.

Great cardio – We all know how important it is to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, but this is sometimes hard to stick to especially for busy families.   However both hiking and biking are wonderful ways to get that important workout without having to visit a gym every day.  Both are wonderful for your cardiovascular system.  Your blood gets pumping and all those unused muscles are put to work helping to build strength and muscle tone.

Low/No Cost – Hiking and biking have a huge advantage over many other workouts. They are both totally free to enjoy whenever you choose.  Of course you will need bicycles and possibly some good hiking boots or walking shoes, but other than that you are free and clear to enjoy these activities without worrying about them impacting your bank account. 

Stress reduction – It has been proven that outdoor activities, fresh air, and sunshine can help reduce stress or worry in your life.   Getting outside with your family and connecting with them in a different way can do a world of good on any worrisome issues that are plaguing you.  Without the weight of the world pushing down on your shoulders it will be easier to enjoy your family time together, laughing and bonding in a way you wouldn’t otherwise.

Variety – Both of these activities provide variety in your workout.  When you hit the gym it can often become monotonous and boring to stare at a television screen while on the treadmill or stationary bike.  When you get outdoors and take a bike ride or hike one of the trails you get to take in different scenery every time you go.  Keep each member of the family involved and take turns choosing which trail to explore. 

There are benefits to just about any outdoor activity you choose.  Hiking and biking are wonderful simply because they allow you and your family to get back to the basics and take in all the wonders nature has to offer.  It’s a great way to connect with your family and take in some beautiful scenery at the same time.  The fresh air, cool breeze, and quiet calm can make you see things from a different perspective and enjoy your family time and what really matters in life. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Why I'm Not Doing Dry January

I was going to try. I started out okay. And I made it a whole 7 days. But then I had a rough day in the office. My husband had an equally rough day at work. Add to that some issues with phone plans and having to replace phones which made it 8pm before we could even relax and think about dinner and I was ready! We decided to go to our favorite Mexican restaurant. Much too late to cook dinner at home. And as we walked in, there was the sign. $5 Melon Margaritas! Yup! You guessed it. A very appropriately placed sign combined with a stressful day and Dry January was over.

I did feel bad...for a moment. As the child in a family where several members had a troubling relationship with alcohol, I am all to aware of the problems it can cause. I know the benefits of abstaining. And as someone who is actively to lose weight and improve her health, I know that the extra calories in that Margarita didn't help me reach my goal.

But as I was joking with my husband on the ride back to the house how I had caved to temptation after only 7 days, I had to ask myself. Was "caved" really the right word? Was I fighting a craving for alcohol that I was unable to control? Was there a reason I felt I needed a month-long break from alcohol? Do I have a drinking problem? The answer to all of those questions is "No." I was jumping on the Dry January bandwagon for no other reason than it seemed like the thing to do at the time. I had been involved in a conversation about the trend and when asked if I was going to do it too, I just said yes. But the truth is, when it came right to it, I was relaxing with my husband and I simply wanted to enjoy a Margarita with my dinner. 

Having a drink is not necessarily a bad thing. There is some research to suggest that in certain circumstances the occasional glass of wine or beer can be beneficial. Having a drink doesn't mean you have to drink to excess. I'm 65 years old and I think I have been drunk twice in my life, back in my college days. I did it and determined I did not like the feeling of not being totally in control of my actions. I definitely did not like waking up with a hangover. And so I simply refuse to drink excessively. An occasional drink or two with dinner is my limit. I believe it's all about moderation, no matter what. Food, spending, whatever. (Okay, maybe not shoes. Shoes are different. One can never have too many pairs of shoes). I enjoy the occasional glass of wine or sherry and I am not going to spend an entire month of my life feeling guilty because I slipped up. I am not going spend 31 days feeling deprived if I'm out with friends and they are enjoying a REALLY good bottle of wine while I sip my unsweet tea. 

Yes, for many, Dry January is a great way to examine your relationship with alcohol. You may be drinking more than you realize. Most people do. And giving up alcohol can definitely impact your health. Just one drink per day can increase your risk of breast cancer. If you already have a higher risk due to family history or lifestyle, Dry January may be the kickstart you need to give up alcohol all together. If you're trying to lose weight, Dry January can possibly help you cut over 3000 calories from your diet. Giving up or at least significantly reducing alcohol consumption can help your skin look better, help you sleep better, and improve your mood. 

If you are doing Dry January for any of those reasons, go for it! I applaud you. But if you're like me and just going along with the crowd at the time, do yourself a favor. and stop stressing yourself over succumbing to temptation, stop torturing yourself when you slip, and do what's right for you. And if that means a Margarita with your Carne Asada Burrito, then relax and enjoy it. I did.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Get Your Kids off the Couch: Tips for Adding More Movement to Your Day

Our world today revolves around the latest technology in the form of smartphones, tablets, and video game systems.  Big name companies compete to bring us the latest and greatest technology and it not only has an affect on adults, but children as well.

Children today are growing up in a completely different world than it was 20 years ago.   There are first graders with cell phones, teens who would rather text than talk, and video games with such lifelike graphics it’s scary. The lure of these video games is especially strong in children and teens and brings with it the problem of little or no outside activity in this age group.  As parents, it’s important to know how to get your children involved in something other than staring at a TV screen or holding a game controller all day long. 

Create a routine – A daily routine can help your child get rid of bad habits and instill some discipline in the whole family.  Talk to your child about getting on a schedule and let them be involved in creating a routine that works for all of you.  Limit the amount of time your child is in front of the television, on the Internet, or on his/her cell phone and stick to it. Make a trip to the park or a walk outside part of your daily routine.  If it’s too cold outside, play a game of tag or hide and seek just to get yourself and your child moving.  Small daily steps can help to break some bad habits and lead you into a new way of life.

Be the example – Parents can set a great example for their children if they are active in their daily routine.  If your child sees you exercising or spending more time outside than in front of the television they will most likely follow your example as they grow older.  It may take a little bit of nudging to get them to put the cell phone down but it will happen.  Likewise, if you are a couch potato, or have your nose stuck in the computer all day they will be more apt to follow in your footsteps.  Be the person that you would want your child to be.  If you keep that in mind, it won’t be hard to set good habits in motion for the whole family.

Find activities your child will enjoy – This can be anything from organized sports at school to a daily trip to the local gym.  Talk to your child about getting involved in school activities that will keep them moving.  If he/she isn’t much of a sports fanatic there are a ton of other ways to keep them active.  Swimming, or simply blasting some music and dancing around the living room are great ways to keep in shape and have fun while doing it. 

It may take some time to establish a routine that works for you and your family but don’t give up.  Make small changes on a daily basis to get your child used to any form of daily activity.  Pretty soon, a trip to the park or playing ball outside will be the new normal instead of coming home to play video games or surf the Internet.  Making small daily changes not only forms better habits in your child, but in your whole family.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

5 Outdoor Activities that Get the Whole Family Moving

Life is full of daily activities that keep you running from one point to the next.  However, carving out time for some of the activities that get the blood pumping and the heart racing is a little bit harder to do.  Finding time to be active as a family is important, not only for your health but for your relationships as well.  Here are a few outside activities you can do to keep your family active.

Picnic at the park – Pack a healthy lunch and hit up one of the local parks for the afternoon.  There is no better way to get your family up and moving.  This is a great way to bond and have a conversation that doesn’t consist of text messages and emails.   Once you finish eating, the rest of the time can consist of hitting the ball around, playing at the playground, or simply chasing your kids around for a game of tag.  Whatever activity you choose, the whole family gets some exercise and some time to connect with each other.

Take a bike ride – This is such a great way to experience the outdoors with the whole family.  Safe biking paths can be found all over to make it easier and the fresh air will do everyone a world of good.  Many of the biking paths will go right past a park or playground so you will be able to get some extra playtime in.  Biking is a great way to boost your energy levels and give your legs a workout.

Roller skating – Break out the roller skates or rollerblades and hit the pavement for a breath of fresh air and some exercise that will get all the muscle groups working.  Roller-skating is especially good for your heart and is considered one of the best cardio workouts you can do.  Find a bike path or just skate around the neighborhood and enjoy the scenery. The kids will love it and it’s a great way to be silly and get some laughs out of everyone.

Gardening – This is a fantastic way to get outdoors and get the whole family involved and working together. The entire process – from deciding what you will plant, to picking the seeds, to digging up some dirt – will engage everyone and get them excited about the possibilities.  Not only is it terrific exercise, but it’s also a great way to teach children about patience and attention to detail.  It will be especially fun to keep track of the progress and see the end result.

Walking – Taking a walk around the neighborhood is a super effective cardio workout and a way to catch up and chat with members of your family.  Choose a different path each time in order to give everyone some variety.  Step it up a level and wear ankle or wrist weights while you walk to give yourself an added boost.  Walking is a leisurely activity that can also push your limits if you choose to do so.  The family time together during your walk is just an added benefit to getting in shape.

It’s often said that people give up on their fitness goals because they get bored or burnt out on the activities that they are doing.  It’s so important to incorporate a variety of ways to workout so you keep going, and have fun at the same time. Each member of the family should have a say in what activities are chosen to keep it fair.  Given the large amount of outdoor activities a family has to choose from, it will be a surefire way for everyone to stay active.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Get Your Game on: Sports The Whole Family Will Enjoy

Fitness does not have to involve going to a gym and working out with weights or running on a treadmill. and you don't have to give up family time to get in shape. There are a variety of activities outside of the gym that are fun, fitness- and family-oriented. 

Sporting activities are one example of a way the family can spend time together and get a great workout as well. You don’t have to be a professional or even bring your “A” game, just as long as you’re willing to get involved and have fun.  Let’s look at a few sports that will keep your family active and happy.

Volleyball – This sport can be fun whether you set up a net in the backyard or get a game going on the beach.  Volleyball is a wonderful sport for your overall health because it strengthens muscles in your arms and legs, allows for better hand-eye coordination, and increases your energy level.  You burn a ton of calories and it's a great way to tone and tighten those problems areas you may have.  The whole family will get a great overall workout and walk away feeling strong and energized.

Golf – There are numerous benefits to playing a round of golf, especially if you decide to forego using a caddy and a golf cart.  Generally 18 holes of golf would be around 5 miles if you walk the whole distance.  This is a way to get a great cardiovascular workout, all while taking in the beautiful scenery on the golf course.  Unless you and your children are avid golfers, it may be easier to choose a round of miniature golf instead, but you still get the benefit of walking the course, swinging the club, and consistently moving while you play.

Tennis – Playing a game of tennis can be as moderate or intense as you choose.  Your reflexes, speed, and agility will be put to the test and you will burn a huge amount of calories during this aerobic workout.  Hitting the ball back and forth to your children is a great way to work your arm and leg muscles.  This is especially true if your children don’t hit the ball directly back to you and you find yourself jogging to chase it around the court.  Tennis is a great overall workout and is a perfect way for a family to get their game on and show their skills. 

Ice Skating - Ice skating does have a bit of a learning curve, but it's still a great family winter sport. It works nearly every muscle group in the body and it builds up the leg and abdominal muscles. Plus it great for your cardiovascular health. There are even double-bladed skates to help you keep your balance while learning. 

Cross-Country Skiing - Now for those of you who have seen video of skiers hurtling down a mountain and thought "no way", let me introduce you to cross-country skiing. It's much easier to learn than downhill skiing. And it's also cheaper. Known to exercise physiology experts as "the best cardiovascular exercise known," cross-country skiing uses almost every muscle group, and is low impact which makes it great for anyone with joint problems such as arthritis. Cross-country skiing is a great bonding experience that can strengthen relationships with family and friends.

Sledding - Okay, maybe this isn't exactly a "sport." But some of my fondest childhood memories are of sledding down the neighborhood hill with my sisters and friends. And it is so easy. Just grab a sled and head to the nearest hill. Granted, you may not burn a lot of calories riding downhill. But wait until you walk back up that hill dragging or carrying your sled. Fantastic aerobic workout!

Playing sports as a family is a great way to build character and teach your kids to work as a team.  Working together can strengthen relationships and form a bond that can’t be broken. Playing sports with your children is also a way to build their confidence, self-esteem, and sportsmanship. The values and skills learned during this time is something that won’t be easily forgotten. Playing sports as a family can instill positive habits that will have a lasting effect on your relationships both now and throughout life.